
专筑网 2019-04-16 23:50:31


Belvue学校是一所专为11至19岁、有一定学习困难及各种特殊教育需求的孩子们开办的中学。学校最近获得了一片树林的管理权,所以委托Studio Weave设计一间与学校的主要建筑分开、与林地相邻的独特教室。

Studio Weave were appointed by Belvue School, a secondary school for boys and girls aged between 11 and 19 with moderate to severe learning difficulties and a range of other additional education needs, to design a unique and magicalroom facility to sit separately from the main school building and adjacent to a woodland that the school has recently gained custodianship over.


The project went beyond designing a new building for the school, it was about creating a narrative for the woodland that would open up imaginative ways of engaging with this natural asset at Belvue, as part of a rich learning environment.


Therooms were required to provide two types of much-needed learning spaces for the school: a calm, informal teaching space; a separate space for a student-run school café; as well as storage.



The school site sits adjacent to under-utilised woodland and the project brief called for the design of two new woodlandrooms that sit separately from the main school building and provide a set of new unique extracurricular facilities. We identified that the boundary between the playground and woods marks the border between familiar school territory and the magical, mysterious world of trees.

This very important threshold, symbolising the entrance to another world, like the gate to the secret garden, or the cupboard to Narnia became a focal point and we consequently designed the woodlandrooms to act as a gatehouse between one world and another.


Therooms were required to provide two types of much-needed learning spaces for the school: a calm, informal teaching space; and a separate space for a student-run school café. The ‘cosy lounge’ is designed to be used for teaching and engaging with the woodland, offering a connection to wildlife that many students don’t otherwise have, as well as being a private space in which to calm down. The ‘sociable kitchen’ includes a café, with food preparation area and dining for small groups of staff and students. This function enables students to learn essential life skills in their transition to becoming citizens in an inclusive society leading to employment, through taking on responsibilities and being more autonomous.


The interior spaces were designed to capture a domestic quality, which felt different to a standardroom and therefore special. The concave ceiling allowed us to create a lower head height as you enter the space creating an intimate domestic scale that then opens up as you move towards the centre of the room. The curved soffit also enables light from the roof light to spill across its entire surface, filling the space with natural light. The stack effect created by this roof shape also allows for the spaces to be entirely naturally ventilated.



Belvue学校概念草图/Belvue concept sketch


As part of the design process we ran story writing workshops with the students to develop a collective narrative for the woodland and identify how this gatehouse could interact with it and symbolise the connection between the two.

第一次研讨会:探索和取景/Workshop 1: Exploring and Framing Views

第二次研讨会:进入魔法树林……/Workshop 2: Entering the magic woodland...

请想象一下,门廊空间是什么样的?你会怎样进入与通过呢?/Imagine what such a gatehouse would look like, and what actions you would need to take to get in - over/under/through etc...

欢迎到来的动物们…/The creatures offer a warm welcome...


What might a community of woodland creatures look like? Are they friendly? Are they friends with the animals who also live there?

下午茶时间…/It’s time for afternoon tea...



Imagine what a woodland home might look like, what sort of food might be offer, what might a social occasion in the woods be like to experience.

The woodland is a magical world of its own, separate from the world of the school and busy roads that surround it. Our design concept for the woodlandrooms was to encapsulate this feeling of being independent from the school within the building itself; and a sense of discovery in the details that allows the experience of being in and around the building to feel very much part of the woodland narrative.







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