
中书国画 2024-06-28 16:04:41


Sun Qifeng was born in the first month of the Gengshen year (1920) in Zhaoyuan, Shandong. From a young age, he loved calligraphy and painting, and was also passionate about poetry and traditional opera. He studied painting under his uncle, Wang Youshi.


In the Jiashen year (1944), he entered the National Art School in Beiping to study Chinese painting. He was taught by Xu Beihong, Huang Binhong, Li Kuchan, Qin Zhongwen, Wang Youshi, and Wang Shensheng, and also benefited from the teachings of Shou Shigong, Luo Fukan, and Jin Yumin. During this period, he studied Han Dynasty clerical script and practiced running script, learning from the styles of the "Two Wangs" and Sun Guoting's "Treatise on Calligraphy". He also dabbled in seal script and Wei stele inscriptions, refining his skills and striving for innovation, which led to the development of his unique style. After the 1970s, his reputation in calligraphy rose significantly and became widely recognized.


Sun Qifeng was well-versed in various arts, excelling in painting flowers, birds, and landscapes, and proficient in calligraphy styles such as oracle bone script, small seal script, clerical script, cursive script, and regular script. He was particularly skilled in cursive and clerical scripts. He adhered to ancient traditions without being confined by them, creating unique innovations. His running script was rooted in the styles of the "Two Wangs" and Sun Guoting but was not restricted by ancient methods, forming his own distinctive style. He once said, "Writing calligraphy requires integrating various essences—those of the Two Wangs, Sun Guoting, as well as Ou, Yu, Yan, Zhao, Su, Huang, Mi, and Cai. However, one must have oneself in it; one cannot 'lose oneself' but must 'have oneself'." He deeply understood the dialectical relationship between inheritance and innovation. His running script had the elegance of the Two Wangs and the meticulousness of Sun Guoting, maintaining ancient principles while exuding new vitality. His cursive script was vigorous and unrestrained, dynamic and powerful, without being bizarre or eccentric.


Sun Qifeng's clerical script was unique, vigorous, and free-spirited, garnering high praise. The Qing Dynasty achieved great heights in clerical script, with Qi Gong praising Deng Shiru, Yi Bingshou, and He Shaoji as giants, with later practitioners struggling to surpass them. Sun Qifeng's clerical script was valued for its "originality." In the 1940s, he meticulously studied the steles of Zhang Qian, Shi Chen, Cao Quan, and Huashan, achieving great precision. After the 1980s, his characters expanded horizontally, with dynamic wave-like strokes, forming a unique style. Yet he was not content and incorporated brush techniques from Han Dynasty bamboo slips. These slips, unearthed in modern times, displayed a variety of styles with clear, lively brushwork, resonating with spontaneity and charm. Sun particularly admired the wooden slips from Juyan, Wuwei, and Gangu, carefully studying and understanding Han simplified script, integrating its essence into his work, resulting in a rustic, elegant style with great appeal.


Sun Qifeng also studied seal script while engaging in seal carving. Although seal script had fulfilled its role as a written form, its artistic allure persisted through the ages. From the Qin to the Qing Dynasties, many followed the small seal script styles of Li Si and Li Yangbing, finding it difficult to surpass them. Ming and Qing calligraphers pursued neatness and uniformity, leading to the stagnation and decline of seal script. Sun stated, "From oracle bones and bronze inscriptions to small seal script and Li Yangbing, the transition went from irregular to regular. In the Qing Dynasty, Deng Shiru, Zhao Zhiqian, He Shaoji, and in modern times Jin Xihou, transitioned back from regular to irregular. This proves the principle that 'extremes meet'." Sun abandoned rigid conventions in his seal script, seeking expressive freedom. He drew from bronze inscriptions, oracle bones, Qin edicts, ancient pottery, Han dynasty stele titles, and tile inscriptions, inspired by Deng Shiru. Thus, his seal script was ancient, bold, and vigorous, with lively brushwork, avoiding the rigidity of previous practitioners.


Sun Qifeng studied seal carving under Shou Shigong and Jin Yumin, immersing himself in ancient Warring States carvings and Qin and Han dynasty seals, and also drawing from the Anhui school. Although his dedication to seal carving was not as intense as his work in painting and calligraphy, and he sometimes paused, he never forgot the art of seal carving, saying, "I may not carve often, but I think about it a lot." His seal carvings did not conform to traditional teachings or fall into conventional patterns, striving to establish his own style. Rooted in ancient carvings, his work transcended mere imitation. He stated, "I often explore irregular and varied Zhou and Qin styles to understand the compositional principles of flower and bird paintings. In my view, painting and seal carving differ in detail but are consistent in their overall approach." He favored the fonts of Han bamboo slips, the "Stele of Cuan Baozi," and Wei steles, with a fondness for ancient charm. His pictorial seals were vivid, reflecting his painting background and standing out uniquely. He approached seal carving with seriousness, repeatedly conceptualizing each seal, often creating dozens or even hundreds of drafts, never carving until satisfied. He designed many seal drafts, though not all were carved. He remarked, "I enjoy writing seal inscriptions many times to find the best composition and to discover myself." After seventy, all the seals on his paintings and calligraphy were self-carved, harmonizing the art forms.



Sun Qifeng's artistic practice offers insights for future generations: to take the inheritance of excellent traditions as one's duty and to seek self-development within the continuation of tradition. His achievements in calligraphy demonstrate that only by disregarding fame and fortune, embracing solitude, and diligently cultivating one's craft can one achieve fruitful results.

In the second month of the Gui Mao year (2023), Sun Qifeng passed away.


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