
专筑网 2021-03-09 19:46:14

韦斯特峡湾公园 /ADEPTVestre Fjord Park / ADEPT由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。Limfjord是丹麦最大的峡湾景观,赋予了韦斯特峡湾公园巨大的潜力。在这里人们可以找到“真正“的自然,即水,鸟的栖居,田地,沙滩和草地,它们与丰富多样的体育活动和室外设施一道,为与自然和城市紧密相关的新体验创造了环境。Text description provided by the architects. The Limfjord itself, the largest fjord landscape in Denmark, is the grand potential of Vestre Fjord Park. Here one finds ‘real’ nature - water, bird life, fish, fields, beach and meadows - that together with a wide variety of physical activities and outdoor facilities create the setting for new active experiences related to both nature and the city.

项目背后的愿景是通过建立从大地到海洋更好的可达性,鼓励人们和峡湾直接的联系。与此同时,项目致力于用一个多功能的建筑结构来强调景观的故事性,从而框选出水上的很多潜在活动。两处水空间之间精确的切割通过连接景观和建筑结构的地峡而定义,这也正是峡湾、活动和公园成为一体的地方。The vision behind the project is to encourage direct contact to the fjord by establishing better accessibility from land to sea. At the same time, the project aims to strengthen the story of the landscape with a multi-functional building structure that frames the many potential activities on the water. The precise cut between the two water spaces is defined by the isthmus binding together landscape and built structure - exactly where the experiences of fjord, activities and park become one.

项目是ADEPT与景观建筑事务所GHB共同合作完成。韦斯特峡湾公园荣获2017年丹麦景观奖的三个提名,最近被授予奥尔堡最佳新建筑奖。The project was completed in collaboration with landscape architects GHB. Vestre Fjord Park is among the three nominees for the Danish Landscape Award 2017 and was recently awarded among the best new buildings in Aalborg.

建筑事务所:ADEPT面积:2000 m2年份:2017摄影师:Rasmus Hjortshøj总建筑师:ADEPT团队:ADEPT, GHB Landskab, Orbicon, Niras, COWI委托人:奥尔堡市政厅城市:奥尔堡国家:丹麦

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