
专筑网 2021-03-19 15:15:31

曼谷Baan 96/1住宅961 House / Anonym由专筑网邢子,小R编译当业主开始寻找一个靠近他们的工作场所的房子,最终,他们选择了Baan 96/1,这是一座30年的老排屋。首先,他们决定保持现有的外观,以尊重其周围的邻居建筑。但从二楼主卧墙面延伸至一楼停车库的陡坡屋面阻挡了北向的光线,厕所又在房子的中段核心位置,无法进行交叉通风,于是建筑师决定清空房子的内墙和天花,重新安排空间,以满足他们的使用需求。Once the owners, started looking for their own house close to their workplace, they ended up acquiring Baan 96/1, the 30 years old row house standing next to their studio. First, they decided to maintain the existing exterior appearance in respect to its surrounding neighbor. However, with the steep slope gable roof extending from the master bedroom wall in the second floor to the parking garage on the first floor blocking the northern light, and the location of the toilet in the mid-section core of the house preventing a cross ventilation, the architects decided to empty the interior walls and the false ceiling of the house and rearranged the spatial quality in order to meet their living lifestyle.

在地面层,建筑师打算创造一个空间完全互联的单一空间,在设计之初,建筑师直观地插入了一个带天窗的绿色小庭院。接下来,他们将5米长的白色柜台岛作为主要的水平元素,以平衡庭院的垂直感。在这个庭院和柜台周围的元素比例并置时,他们做了细致的考虑,这个空旷的空间似乎包含了一种不言而喻的意义,鼓励居住者在分离的空间之间进行对话。On the ground level, with the intention to create a single space interconnecting public and space altogether, the architects began the design by intuitively inserting a small green double height courtyard with a skylight. Next, they decided to place the five-meters long white counter island as a main horizontal element to balance with the vertical presence of the courtyard. With meticulous concern in proportionally juxtaposing elements around this courtyard and the counter, this empty void seems to contain an unspoken meaning encouraging dwellers to make conversation between separated spaces. 

在二层,为了达到上面提到的互联互通的效果,主卧和卫生间都要移动。在这种新的布局下,只有一个小的窗户口连接主卧和室外。为了防止产生幽闭恐惧的气氛,建筑师决定提高房间的高度,将天花板沿着拱形屋顶的坡度重新调整,露出这个房间真正的几何形状。通过视觉,这种奇怪的几何图形为房间提供了一种微妙的迷惑感。然而,如果主浴室的墙体也保留全部高度,这种效果会消失。On the second level, in order to achieve the interconnected effect as mention above, the master bedroom and the bathroom has to move around. With this new layout, there is only a small window opening connecting the master bedroom with the outdoor. To prevent a claustrophobic atmosphere, the architects decided to raise the height of the room by realigning the false ceiling along the slope of the gable roof revealing the true geometric of this room. Through their eyes this strange geometric provides a subtle mesmerized energy to the room. However, they were concerned this effect would disappear if the master bathroom wall were erected at its full height. 

在尝试使用直墙和类似拱形屋顶的对角墙后,他们得出的结论是将卫生间处理成类似于房屋外部拱形装饰的木桶拱顶。通过将卫生间打造成一个挤压式的木桶拱顶,主卧室获得了更多的开放空间。桶形拱顶与拱形天花板之间的交错效果,为房间提供了一种神秘的深度。After trying out with using a straight wall and a diagonal wall resembling a gable roof, they came to a conclusion of treating the bathroom as a barrel vault similar to an arch decoration around the exterior of the house. By making the bathroom like an extrude barrel vault, the master bedroom obtains more opening space. The intersecting effect between the barrel vault and the gable ceiling provides a mysterious depth to the room. 

在设计了桶状拱顶的形式之后,建筑师决定将楼梯和储物系统作为拱顶几何形状的一部分进行组合。结果就是曾经的拱顶,变成了操纵空间的一个重要装置,类似于他们的实践哲学,建筑师设计他们自己的房子,Baan 96/1空间的意图是在房间里面找到一个持久的和平效果。Baan 96/1并没有想从外部吸引任何注意,所有的精妙时刻都是精心的设计和布置,以产生有意义的微妙效果。Once the barrel vault form is discovered, the architects decided to assemblage the stair and the storage system as a part of the vault geometry. As a result, on the second, the vault, once was a result of a make do decision, has turned itself to be an important device in manipulating the space. Similar to philosophy of their practice, the architects design their own house, Baan 96/1 with an intention of finding a lasting peaceful effect the inhibit inside the house. Baan 96/1 does not scream for any attention from the exterior approach. All of it’s magical moment were carefully craft and place to produce a meaningful subtle effect.

建筑设计:Anonym类型:住宅面积:150 m2项目时间:2019年摄影:DOF Sky|Ground制造商:AutoDesk, Vibia, Kohler, CHANINTR LIVING, Knuckleolive, Starck, Trimble Navigation主创建筑师:Anonym设计团队:Phongphat Ueasangkhomset and Parnduangjai Roojnawate城市:曼谷国家:泰国

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