
灵儿看汽车 2023-01-03 18:41:02

这是摩托莫里尼|Moto Morini品牌即将上市的第二款车型——赛文佐(Seiemmezzo 6 1/2),将于4月26号晚8点在抖音直播,这次将会发布两款车型共6个配色,每款各三种配色。其中STR公路版是拥有动感迷人线条的街车,SCR攀爬版则是个性独特强悍的骑士最爱。

本次发布的赛文佐车型的供应商来自全球各地,供应商包括但不限于意大利倍耐力/BREMBO,日本KYB/F.C.C/D.I.D/NSK,德国BOSCH/BASF SE,意大利Moto Morini,西班牙J.JUAN,中国台湾捷安特/KOK,日本松下,意大利Alpina,中德合资联合汽车电子等。

赛文佐的2个版本——STR 和 SCR,代表着赛文佐两种截然不同的灵魂。传古入今,述说未来,是我们立足的设计理念。安全、运动、优雅和驾驶乐趣的完美结合体则是我们的诉求。





阿尔伯特·摩尼(Alberto Monni):

I'm delighted to showcase here the latest addition to our brand, the SEIEMMEZZO, a project which started in 2019 and which now, after 3 years of work, we are proud to present.


STR and SCR are the two versions of this new SEIEMMEZZO model. They have two distinct souls, and have been designed to meet the needs of different types of bikers.The STR has intriguing and sporty lines – just right for those who love the exquisiteness of a bare, naked motorbike.The SCR, strong in personality, will fascinate the kind of biker who’s keen on elegance and style...

赛文佐有2个版本,STR 和 SCR,代表着赛文佐两种截然不同的灵魂,可以满足不同骑手的需求。STR公路版拥有迷人而动感的线条——适合那些喜欢精致街车的人们。SCR攀爬版个性独特而强悍——将会吸引热衷于优雅和时尚风格的骑士……


亚历山德罗·福临(Alessandro Fullin):

SEIEMMEZZO is the synthesis of a series of concepts and ideas all geared to convey Italian passion and style.This bike born was born out of a desire to evoke the heritage ofic motorcycles, especially the 3 ½ and Milano models, combined with the search for updated, dynamic lines.

赛文佐是我们所有开发理念的载体,最终的一切都是为了传达意大利独有的激情和鲜明的风格。赛文佐诞生的初衷是希望唤醒大家对经典车型的记忆,全新的设计理念、演变的线条灵感都是在致敬3 ½ 和米兰Milano。

We have focused painstakingly on details: each line and curve of the bike’s design is in harmony with the rest – a design concept that creates a coherent language from the headlight to the tail signaling both past and the future...



马西莫·古斯塔(Massimo Gustato):

The main steel structure finds a valid ally in its aluminum swingarm, designed and built with advanced casting technology, in order to reduce any oscillating weight, a benefit for enhanced rideability rider comfort... All in all, the SEIEMMEZZO is a perfect combination of SAFETY, SPORTINESS, ELEGANCE and DRIVING FUN...


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