
专筑网 2021-03-08 18:42:15

The Factory Contemporary Arts Center / HTAP Architects由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。HTAP建筑事务所在越南胡志明市2街区的老钢材仓库里设计了一座现代艺术中心,目的是是打造与场地相关的综合体,使其成为不仅为艺术活动,更为工作空间、健康饮食、晚间饮品等所设的场所。建筑师的核心设计理念是建造尽可能多的必要空间,使空间充满活力,但需要接纳预期可能存在的修改,甚至促进这些因展览的不同和综合体的发展而带来的变革。由于这些预期存在的变化的因素,项目注入了一种强烈的、与未知未来参与者合作的感觉。Text description provided by the architects. HTAP Architects inserted a contemporary art center into an existing steel warehouse in District 2 of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The aim was to produce a complex of related venues, making it a destination not only for art events, but also for working spaces, healthful meals, evening drinks and more. The core design idea was to build as much as was necessary to make the space vibrant and viable, but to accept and even facilitate anticipated modifications that would come as the exhibitions changed and the complex matured. Because of these anticipated changes, the project was infused with a sense of collaboration with un-knowable future participants.

仓库的内部覆盖着裸露的钢网,支撑着表面的隔热层,不仅提供热辅助,还增强了光线的反射作用。裸露的混凝土地板既体现其功能性,又为设计过程提供了干净整洁的内表面。The interior of the warehouse was clad in an exposed steel mesh supporting a foil-faced insulation that provided not only thermal assistance, but also an increased reflection of light. An exposed concrete floor completed the functional yet clean interior envelope for rest of the design process.

建筑师为空间设计了两个小巧的结构,精心布置,在周围的“剩余”空间创造了多种用途的画廊。首层的阅览室有粗钢架和粗钢屋顶,支撑着上方的观景区域,木制的窗座便于使用者阅读和思考艺术以外的一切。在阅览室上方,一面正对展览空间的玻璃突出了特殊的艺术作品。Two small structures were designed for the space and carefully arranged to generate multi-use galleries in the surrounding "leftover" spaces. A ground floor reading room of raw steel shelves with a raw steel roof supports viewing areas above. A timber window seat facilitates reading and contemplating the art beyond. Above the reading room, a glass faced exhibition space was designed to highlight special art-pieces.

灵活的剩余空间容纳了各种不同的当代艺术,如绘画、雕塑、电影、表演、装置等等。大批前来出席艺术开幕、放映和表演的人群在各个空间里舒适地穿梭,而画廊即使只有一两名游客来访也不会觉得冷清。三个钢入口框架的视野既向内欣赏艺术展区,又向外欣赏庭院。The flexible residual spaces accommodate contemporary art as varied as paintings, sculptures, films, performances, installations and environments. The large crowds attending the art openings, screenings and performances circulate comfortably through the spaces, though the galleries feel as comfortable populated by only one or two visitors. Three steel entry portals frame views looking both inwardly to the art exhibition areas and outward to the courtyards beyond.

在仓库建筑前,规范只允许建造临时和可拆卸的建筑,因此11个集装箱被堆放在一起,形成了一个顺序松散的三层聚落,包括咖啡馆、餐馆、商店和不规则的户外广场围绕的工作空间。有一个长集装箱被设计成不稳定的角度,通过不规则的切割容纳了一座楼梯,楼梯的尽头表达了天空的景色,许多部分意想不到地连接了邻近的空间,激活了综合体,它的醒目角度使得综合体在周围的社区中举足轻重。In front of the warehouse building, where only temporary and reversible constructions are allowed by law, eleven shipping containers were piled creating a loosely ordered three level village of cafes, restaurants, shops, and co-working spaces around an irregular outdoor plaza. A long container set at a precarious angle and pierced by irregular cut outs houses a staircase ending in a framed view of the sky. Its many cut outs unexpectedly connect adjacent spaces, activating the complex while its arresting angle anchors the complex in the surrounding neighborhood.

综合体的街道立面通过当地邀请的涂鸦艺术家在集装箱上绘制的艺术表皮作品,强调了合作的主题。其结果是为胡志明市现代艺术场景提供了一种非正式的、有弹性的联系,旨在适应随着艺术中心逐渐成熟和艺术社区成长带来的不可避免的变化。The complex's street façade reinforces the theme of collaboration through its skin of artwork painted onto the containers by local invited graffiti artists. The result is an informal and resilient nexus for the Ho Chi Minh City contemporary arts scene in Ho Chi Minh City that is designed to accommodate the inevitable changes to come as the center matures and the art community grows.

建筑事务所:HTAP Architects类型:文化建筑,视觉艺术中心面积:880 m2年份:2017年摄影:Hiroyuki Oki制造商:Big Ass Fans, Dulux, Hafele, Toto, Philips主创建筑师:Hoanh Tran, Archie Pizzini设计团队:Nguyen Bich Hue, Dang Phi Nga, Nguyen Ngoc Hieu委托人:The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre建造:Minh Chuong Construction城市:胡志明市国家:越南

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