
香课程 2024-08-20 15:44:52



Scientists have discovered a theoretically habitable, Earth-size planet


Two teams of scientists have discovered a theoretically habitable planet, smaller than Earth but bigger than Venus, orbiting a small star about 40 light-years away.


The exoplanet, named Gliese 12b, orbits a cool red dwarf star situated in the constellation Pisces and is about 27% the size of our sun and 60% of its temperature, according to the two studies published on Thursday in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

周四发表在《天体物理学杂志快报》和《皇家天文学会月报》上的两项研究表明,这颗名为Gliese 12b的系外行星围绕着一颗位于双鱼座的冷红矮星运行,其大小约为太阳的27%,温度约为太阳温度的60%。

Since its star is so much smaller than the sun, Gliese 12b still falls within the habitable zone — the ideal distance away from a star where liquid water can exist - even though it completes its orbit every 12.8 days.

由于它的恒星比太阳小得多,Gliese 12b仍然落在宜居带内——距离可以存在液态水的恒星的理想距离——即使它每12.8天完成一次轨道运行。

Working on the assumption that the exoplanet doesn’t have an atmosphere, scientists calculated its surface temperature to be around 107 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius).


“We’ve found the nearest, transiting, temperate, Earth-size world located to date,” said Masayuki Kuzuhara, a project assistant professor at the Astrobiology Center in Tokyo and co-leader of one of the research teams with Akihiko Fukui, a project assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, in a statement.

东京天体生物学中心的项目助理教授Masayuki Kuzuhara在一份声明中说:“我们发现了迄今为止距离我们最近的、过境的、温带的、地球大小的世界。”他与东京大学项目助理教授Akihiko Fukui共同领导了一个研究小组。

Once temperate Earth-size planets have been identified, scientists can then analyze them to determine which elements are contained in their atmospheres and, crucially, whether water is present to sustain life.


“There’s only a handful (of exoplanets) we’ve found that are good candidates for that. And this is our nearest and so that’s quite a major discovery,” Larissa Palethorpe, a doctoral student at the University of Edinburgh and University College London who co-led the other study, told CNN on Friday.


Understanding Gliese 12b

了解Gliese 12b

To spot Gliese 12b, scientists used the publicly available data collected by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) — a telescope that stares at tens of thousands of stars every month, tracking their changes in brightness, which can be evidence of orbiting exoplanets.

为了发现Gliese 12b,科学家们使用了美国国家航空航天局的凌日系外行星勘测卫星(TESS)收集的公开数据,TESS是一台每月观测数万颗恒星的望远镜,追踪它们的亮度变化,这可能是绕着系外行星运行的证据。

It is easier for astronomers to find exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars since their relatively small size results in a greater dimming effect during each transit.


At the moment, scientists are unsure exactly what constitutes this planet’s atmosphere, whether it even has one and if water is present, though Palethorpe said they aren’t expecting to find water there.


“There could be no water, and then we know a runaway greenhouse effect has already happened on this planet and it’s more like Venus,” she said. “There could be water, in which case it’s more like us… or there are signatures that can be detectable that would be able to show you that the runaway greenhouse effect is in progress so it could be losing water.”


For the next stage of analyzing the exoplanet’s atmosphere, scientists are hoping to use the James Webb Space Telescope and conduct spectroscopy analysis. This method involves capturing starlight that shines through an exoplanet’s atmosphere and seeing which wavelengths are absorbed by certain molecules, revealing their presence in the atmosphere.


As well as shedding light on the exoplanet itself, Palethorpe said scientists are hoping that this work can help us understand our own planet better.


“What this planet will teach us in particular is what happened for Earth to stay habitable but for Venus to not… It can tell us the habitability patheways that planets take as they develop,” she said.


But though the exoplanet could potentially be habitable for humans and is relatively “near” our solar system in astronomical terms, it is unlikely that anyone will visit there soon.


“It’s not reachable, it’s 12 parsecs away,” said Palethorpe, adding that it would take about 225,000 years to reach Gliese 12b with the fastest spacecraft that currently exist.

帕莱索普说:“它不可能到达,距离我们12秒差距。”他补充说,用目前最快的航天器到达Gliese 12b大约需要22.5万年的时间。




【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

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