
专筑网 2021-02-22 15:31:15

冬日特辑:MIT院落 by Alex HogrefeWinter Special #9: MIT Courtyard由专筑网小R编译我一开始以为自己的时间不够了,但是幸运的是我能够在假期之前完成它,这个院落视角代表了又一次的冬日特辑,这也是我为MIT制作的第一张细部表现图,这让我真正地开始思考一些细节,这张图像其实很费时间,因为我花了很多时间来调整一些细部,比如材料、光线、建筑的老化等等,我也努力让图像的每个部分都得以精准表达,那么这意味着我不能过于依赖PS了,我非常喜欢这张图片,同时也期待着这个系列的其他图片。接下来是分解教程。1、3D模型1. 3D Model

SU模型Sketchup Model Screenshot我想要说明的一点是,我在室内应用的是3D人物,进入下沉咖啡厅的视角很难找到合适的人物图像,因此我建出了内部的模型,并且加入了3D人物,这样就能够避免再找2D人物的麻烦了。The one thing I wanted to point out in this screenshot is that I am using 3D people in the interior. The view point into the lower café was too difficult to find people at the proper angle to Photoshop in. Therefore, I fully modeled the interior and dropped in 3D people to avoid the headache of trying to stitch 2D people into that scene.2、基本渲染2. Base Rendering

V-Ray基本渲染V-Ray Base Rendering我制作了黑色钢材,因为我已经有了比较具象的外观形态,这种材料贯穿整个项目,因此我需要它品质高一些,并且遮盖住其他部分,我在下沉广场制作了道路材料,并且创建了反射贴图,这样让整个肌理看起来比较潮湿。I built the dark steel material from scratch because I had a very specific look that I was going for. That material carries through the entire project so I needed it to be high quality and large enough to not show tiling. I also built the paver material in the sunken plaza from scratch and created a reflection map to give the texture a wet look.3、雪地3. Snow

替代白色地面的材质Material Override White Ground Plane雪地的制作方法是在V-Ray中进行地面材质的覆盖,这样就能够渲染为白色,我想要制作出一些脚印的效果,并且在广场上构成一条道路,我覆盖了部分的白色材质,从而展示出下方潮湿的石材。The process of adding the snow began with setting up a material override in V-Ray for some of the ground textures so that it renders out white. I wanted to create the effect of people’s footprints creating a slushy path through the plaza. The plan was to mask away the white material override rendering to reveal the wet stone material below.

脚印蒙版的开始The Start of the Footprint Mask

脚印蒙版的完成Completed Footprint Mask我在网上找了一些,制作了人们脚印的图像库,然后我把它们加入到PS当中,去色构成黑白图像,这是表达我把雪地遮盖的方法,白色部分代表了雪地,黑色部分则代表了遮盖的部分,这样下方的潮湿地面就能表达出来。I searched through Google and built up a library of images of people’s footprints through the snow. I then began bringing them into Photoshop, desaturating the color, and built a black and white image of how I wanted the snow to be masked away. White represents where the snow would stay and the black represents where the snow would be masked away revealing the wet ground below.

泥泞的足迹的最终成果Final Slushy Footprint Result黑白图像完成之后,我把它复制到白色材质的蒙版图层中。Once the black and white image was complete, I simply copied it into the “Layer Mask” of the white material override layer.4、最后的雪地细节4. Final Snow Details

雪地的细节Snow Details广场有着很好的位置,因此我添加了细节雪地的细节,比如水平表面和角落的一些堆积的雪。With the plaza at a good place, I added in the remaining snow details such as the snow collecting on the horizontal surfaces and in the corners of the scene.5、肌理的细化5. Texture Refinement

肌理细节Texture Details我尽量在模型中来解决问题,但是还有一些部分需要进行调整,比如一些钢材的反射,让砖石的墙体看起来有时间感,并且在屋面的部分添加一些污垢,除此之外,我还重新设计了玻璃,从而解决反射的问题,并且在内部添加了许多细节。As much as I tried to get things resolved in 3D, there was still tweaking I needed to do over many of the materials. This mostly consisted of adding in imperfections such as adjusting the reflection in some of the steel panels, aging the brick façade, and adding dirt stains along the roof line. I also reworked the glass to resolve some of the reflection issues and added details inside the space.6、树木和人物6. Trees and People

树木和人物Trees and People这个部分操作得很快速,但是我意识到我需要好一点的冬季树木材质库,因为我不得不复制了同样的树木。This part went relatively fast but I did realize that I need a better winter tree library. I ended up copying the same few trees over and over again.7、最终成图7. Final Image

最终成图Final Image整个图像我添加了少量的效果,我让画面看起来暗一些,因为我希望深色的钢材和明亮的天空形成对比,这就是我想要表达的感觉,不需要过于浓烈的色彩和效果。I applied very little final effects or color grading to the image. I did push the image a little darker just because I wanted to play up the contrast of the dark steel with the bright white sky. I think the mood landed right where I was aiming and didn’t require any drastic atmospheric effects or coloring.


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