
朱灵评科技 2024-08-29 13:28:48

Everyone standing there was wearing safety helmets and facing the same direction. As the small rockets dashed into the sky, leaving a dissipating trail of white fog, everyone cheered.

Such was the impressive scene of the solid model rocket launch and recovery project we watched on TV. To design and make a rocket, and then fly it in the air, was also our dream.

Not willing to be by-standers only, we decided to join in the rocket-building competition. The five-member team included Zi Yang, Xuemei Li, Yifan Xiao, Feng Han and me. We all share the same interests for rockets and were tempted and motivated by the small gadget with flying power.

Two lectures were given by the organizer, and each group would receive help from one coach. We discussed the various parts and systems with our coach before completing the written report. It was a cold night when we first met to discuss our plan, but cold wind couldn't extinguish our burning passion. We divided the work into five sections, and with only one week before the deadline, everyone spared no efforts to get their job done.

Feng Han and Yifan Xiao immediately downloaded two required applications to assist them in analyzing the model rocket data. Zi Yang designed the program which controlled the flight path of our rocket, according to the competition requirements. Xuemei and I were responsible for the written report, which was the final version of our work. To my excitement, Yifan Xiao sent his first diagram of the rocket to our WeChat group within two hours. This first step in our progress encouraged us all, and we began to speed up our work, sharing information and cooperating to meet our common goal. In order to get the best design, we would occasionally hold discussions till two o'clock in the morning.

The week before the deadline, we spent that Saturday in the library to refine our rocket diagram. We coincidentally met our coach, and with her assistance we polished our report down to the last detail.

After the task was completed, we felt relieved and relaxed, although the waiting process was a bit nerve-wracking. The preliminary results were announced in the form of a file four days later. As soon as I saw the file, I opened it without hesitation. I wanted so much to see the name of our team to appear in the list. But, after double-checking, I realized that we had not been chosen.

The final scene of the solid model rocket launch and recovery project seemed to come to my eyes again. However, the dissipating fog now represented our future; we wouldn't be able to proceed to the next round of competition. Everyone was so disappointed.

Nevertheless, this competition was not without gains. It brought me great pleasure to work with my teammates for the same goal. We built a harmonious team spirit, made friends with others, explored new fields, and worked hard for a common target. Meanwhile, we will be braver and more experienced when trying something new, which will help us go further in other competitions.

Dissipating fog was the symbol of a successful rocket launch; our passion for the device will never die out. Our failure for the preliminary competition is definitely the first step to success. We are all confident about the future.

作者 | Zhang Kaixuan 配音 | Peng tianxiao编辑 | LuoYalan

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