Biofluid biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease: past, present, and future
Chengyu An, Huimin Cai, Ziye Ren, Xiaofeng Fu, Shuiyue Quan, Longfei Jia
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Current implications of EEG and fNIRS as functional neuroimaging techniques for motor recovery after stroke
Xiaolong Sun, Chunqiu Dai, Xiangbo Wu, Tao Han, Qiaozhen Li, Yixing Lu, Xinyu Liu, Hua Yuan
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Pancreatic extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: a key technology truly improves treatment model for pancreatic stones
Jinhui Yi, Jinjie Xu, Lianghao Hu
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Cancer nuclear envelope rupture and repair in taxane resistance
Ana P. Xu, Lucy B. Xu, Elizabeth R. Smith, Joshua S. Fleishman, Zhe-Sheng Chen, Xiang-Xi Xu
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Original Article
MST1 interactomes profiling across cell death in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Li Zhang, Mingwei Gao, Yueguang Wu, Huijuan Liu, Xuehan Zhuang, Yan Zhou, Qiqin Song, Shanshan Bi, Weimin Zhang, Yongping Cui
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Mechanical force modulates inflammation and immunomodulation in periodontal ligament cells
Jira Chansaenroj, Ravipha Suwittayarak, Hiroshi Egusa, Lakshman P. Samaranayake, Thanaphum Osathanon
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Microplastic exposure is associated with male reproductive health
Weijia Liu, Zhi Qu, Xuemei Wang, Huailiang Feng, Shaohua Ma, Yichao Zheng, Guimiao Lin, Suli Huang, Qiming Yang, Xihua Feng, Tianling Shen, Nan Liu
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