
清溪壶语课程 2024-04-20 06:26:55

应用文写作作为交际性文体,有邀请、祝贺、建议、求助、申请、投诉、道歉、感谢、咨询等类型。在大量的练习中,学生基本已熟悉各种话题,对应用文写作愈加得心应手,但同时也养成了一些不好的写作表达习惯,如行文过于套路、语句过于单一、衔接过于刻意等。针对以上 情况,笔者将具体分析学生习作中可能会出现的实际问题, 以期达到帮助学生丰富应用文语言表达的目的。



学生写作时频繁地使用单一的主语开头,如申请信中 的 “I”, 感谢信中的 “you” 等。

【例1】 ( 2019年全国卷I)假定你是李华,暑期在伦敦学习,得知当地美术馆要 举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:写信目的;2.个人优势;3.能做的事情。

【例2】 (2019年浙江卷)假定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的朋友 Alex 即 将返回自己的国家。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:表示感谢;2.回顾Alex 对你的帮助;3.临别祝愿。

【习作问题】(1)Besides, I know a lot about Chinese paintings, and I can answer some questions about them.Therefore,I think I am suitable for the job.(2) I even rank first in a recent English contest.I could speak English with confidence.(3) You prepared so many British-flavored meals for us. Yougave me so much tender care and generous help.You made me feel warmly welcome.(4) You helped me practise my spoken English. You encouraged me to read more Englishics to enhance my reading ability.【解决方法】( 1 ) 用it作形式主语。Besides,it's easy for me to answer different questions of the visitors.It's indeed a pleasant surprise for me to even rank first in a recent English speech contest.(2)用名词短语作主语。My knowledge of Chinese paintings will enable me to answer the questions from some visitors.Your continuous encouragement helped me get out of my comfort zone and speak in English with increasing confidence.(3)多用 “it”, 少用I think。Therefore, it's suitable for me to do the job.(4)变换结构,用非谓语开头。Besides,knowing much more about Chinese paintings,I can answer different questions of the visitors.(5)变换语态,使用被动语态。If you choose me, questions from the visitors will be answered well and patiently.(6)变换句式,使用状语从句、定语从句、强调句或倒装句等。It's nice of you to prepare us so many British-flavored meals.You gave me so much tender care and generous help, which made me feel warmly welcome.Not only did youhelp me practise my spoken English but you encouraged me to read more Englishics to enhance my reading ability.


学生写作信件类应用文时总是千篇一律地用固定的几 个句式,导致写作的结尾模式单一。

【习作问题】“Looking forward to your early reply.” "I wouldappreciate it if you could write to me earlier.” “I wish you a pleasant journey.” 等。【解决方法】(1)增添联系主题的话语。I hope I may be granted an interview, where I can explain my qualifications more fully.I am looking forward to your reply. (申请)Your participation can surely add color to our trip and we are all looking forward to your involvement.(邀请)(2)增加沟通互动,有你来我往的交流交际之感。This is all about my career plan. What about yours?What sports activities are held in your school?If you have any questions,just feel free to contact me.(3)首尾呼应,表达内心感激、期望、道歉、慰问之情。I will be quite appreciative if I am offered the opportunity. Thank you for your time and consideration.Your presence is highly expected if you are available.I sincerely anticipate what I choose will take your fancy.It is my sincere hope that you will adopt my recommendations. Best wishes for your family!I'm expecting your reply earnestly and any suggestion you give counts.I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience I have caused and hope to make up for it.I wish you a quick recovery and your life could return to normal.


一说到衔接,学生总是想到 “Firstly,…Secondly, … Last but not least, …” “In addition,…” 等 。

【习作问题】衔接过多且刻意:Firstly,I have a good command of English, whichmeans I can communicate with visitors well. Secondly, I have learned Chinese art so that I can help them to understand the meaning of the paintings. Besides , I have a strong sense of responsibility,which makes me fit for the job.(2019年全国卷I)

【解决方法】增强行文的逻辑性和语言的精炼度。行文逻辑好了,语义自然衔接流畅,无需刻意地去过渡和衔 接。学生应灵活使用过渡词或短语,但不宜过多,以合适 贴切为佳。本例中应增强行文逻辑、加强细节拓展、减少刻意为之的过渡衔接。Having a good command of both Chinese and English, I can communicate with visitors freely. And as a result of a three-year learning about Chinese paintings, it won't be difficult for me to help visitors better understand the works in your gallery.If accepted as a volunteer,I'll make every effort to do my job well.


自然顺畅的衔接示范:Honestly speaking, it's so nice of you to offer me a of practical learning skills. Under your professional guidance, I have made such unbelievable progress in English. It's indeed a pleasant surprise for me to even rank first in a recent English speech contest. WheneverI encounter difficulties, you always cheer me up and help me out, which fuels my enthusiasm for English and promotes me to regaintremendous confidence. No words are strong enough to convey how grateful I am.(2019年浙江卷)总之,连贯自然的表达多是基于紧密的行文逻辑的。 积累了大量的连接词或词组以后,学生可在行文的恰当之 处明承,更可依托上下文的逻辑关系进行紧密衔接。这样, 行文会更加流畅自然。


学生写作时语言表达的句式单一,缺少丰富多样的词汇和语句。【例】假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友 Noah 在给你 的邮件中说他对中国古代建筑很感兴趣,并打算在暑假参 观。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:1.推荐要参观的建筑;2.约定参观的时间;3.提出其他建议。

【学生习作】Dear Noah,I'm delighted to hear that you are interested in Chinese traditional architecture.I'm honored to show you around.In my opinion,the Summer Palace is what you can't miss. With a long history the Summer Palace shows the wisdom and courage of our ancestors.If you are interested in it,I think it's best that we pay a visit on July 4th morning.What's more, don't forget to make preparations for different clothes seeingthe weather difference.Hope that can satisfy your requirement.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua

(习作问题)语言表达不够丰富地道,语义衔接和逻 辑关系处理欠佳,对要点三的陈述偏离了话题内容。

【改正】Dear Noah,I'm more than delighted to hear that you take great interest in traditional Chinese architecture. I can't wait to recommend the Summer Palace and show you around. With a long history,the Summer Palace, which shows the architecture wisdom of our ancestors,is what you can't miss.If you are interested in it,I strongly advise we pay a visit to it on July 4th morning, when a special exhibition about the palace will be held. By the way,you'd better read relative books to have a better knowledge of Chinese traditional culture and architecture.Feel free to contact me if you need further information. Looking forward to your coming.Yours,Li Hua

毫无疑问,丰富的语言表达肯定能让阅卷老师赏心悦 目。然而,词汇和句式的灵活多变,离不开日积月累,且 无捷径可走。因此,学生平时应注意巩固词汇,多诵读、积累精美的句型。

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