In trying to go green, we’ve been going bigger and heavier when we should be going smaller and lighter. So for that alone the T03 deserves to do well.It’s no trolley with a roof either: it comes across as well built, the interior is roomy, the drive’s more than adequate for pootling to the shops and on first inspection comfort isn’t too bad either.
La douceur et le tonus au démarrage de la propulsion électrique font merveille dans un environnement urbain taillé pour elle. Le gabarit contenu de la T03 (3,62 m de long, 1,65 m de large) et son rayon de braquage de 9,70 m sont de précieux atouts pour se faufiler dans la circulation ou se garer dans un trou de souris. L’opération de stationnement est d’autant plus évidente que la caméra de recul offre une définition absolument parfaite.
该车采用前麦弗逊式悬挂和后扭力梁式悬挂:可以很好地吸收坑洼和颠簸,同时不会产生漂浮感。而且,即使在快速转弯时,T03 也能带给你意想不到的稳定感。
L’assetto conta su un sistema MacPherson all’anteriore e un ponte torcente al retrotreno: le buche e le irregolarità sono assorbite bene, senza comunque trasmettere un senso di galleggiamento. E, difatti, anche sulle curve veloci la T03 ti trasmette un senso di stabilità che magari non ti aspetteresti.
An extremely tight turning circle of 9.7 metres is impressive, although the steering is incredibly light, regardless of whether it is in ‘Sport’, ‘Comfort’ or ‘Standard’ mode. This means you have to turn the wheel a little more than you’d initially expect. Great visibility all around adds to the appeal, while the boxy shape means it’s a doddle to park and scoot around tight back roads.