
旧游成梦寐 2024-07-11 09:41:53


Life is not a smooth journey, with peaks and valleys at times.


I have heard a sentence:


"It's not difficult for a person to fall and get up again, what's difficult is to fall from the highest point to the lowest point and go further. This is not something that ordinary people can do, this is the person who has seen the big picture."


The flow of opportunities is the norm, those who are complacent in times of prosperity, and those who fall and sink in times of adversity are always the weak in life.


Those who can enjoy the surprises of life and bear the heavy blow of the hammer of fate are admirable.


People who have seen the world are capable of handling things, possessing the composure and composure when facing criticism and the composure and calmness when facing difficulties.


When you catch the test of fate, the injuries you have suffered will eventually become hard armor to protect yourself; Those who cannot defeat you will eventually make you stronger.

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