
专筑网 2021-03-10 14:58:29

Prado Concorde Apartments / Valode & Pistre由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。Castelnau-le-Lez是一个位于法国南部蒙彼利埃附近的小镇,拥有温和的地中海气候。新Prado Concorde开发项目分布于莱兹河沿岸以及小镇入口处,建筑师利用宽阔的城市岛屿将集体住房、学校设施和商店结合在一起,四周彷佛环绕着山谷的花园。Text description provided by the architects. Castelnau-le-Lez is a town located near Montpellier in the South of France which enjoys a very mild Mediterranean climate. The new Prado Concorde development on the edge of the Lez river and at the entry to the town combines collective housing with school facilities and shops in a vast urban island surrounding a garden shaped like a valley.

居住系统为住宅的外部扩张提供了充足的优先位置,居民可以最大化利用当地舒适的气候。室外空间的设计提升了每一户住宅的宜居性,人们在用餐时能够享受拥有树荫的起居空间。The accommodation architecture systematically gives pride of place to the external extensions of the dwellings so that residents can make the most of the advantages of the climate. A genuine outdoor room increases the habitability of each dwelling, a living space where everyone has their own tree providing shade at mealtimes.

为了达到这个目标,建筑师采用了一种大阳台的创新理念。阳台的切面都是不同的三角几何形状,利用悬臂在最厚部分建造了植树的容器。这种高性能的预制混凝土组件在每层之间有序地偏移,使得每棵树都有足够的生长空间。To achieve this objective, the project exploits an innovative concept of a large balcony whose triangular geometry with variable cross-section takes up the efforts through cantilevers in line with the tree container built into its thickest part. This high- performance prefabricated concrete component is systematically offset between floors to allow enough air for each tree to grow.

这种阳台的优点超出了其实际的用途,偏移和间隙的布置策略、漂浮三棱镜的组合以及相互之间的位置关系为立面带去了动感和轻盈,仿若飞鸟。The advantages of these balconies go beyond their practical use; the play between their offsets and inversions and the combination of triangular prisms floating one above the other bring movement and lightness to the façade like a flight of birds.

建筑事务所:Valode & Pistre类型:总体规划、公寓面积:28000 m2年份:2019年摄影:Philippe Chancel制造商:Saint-Gobain主创建筑师:Denis Valode – Jean Pistre设计团队:Valode & Pistre景观设计师:RAPHIA机电&暖通空调顾问:ARGETEC室外工作顾问:RELIEF GE工料测量师:CIC DELMAS照明顾问:8'18''环境&可持续公司:NtDDIGO建筑经理:CIC DELMAS声学顾问:Cabinet HEDONT Acoustique地产开发商:HELENIS城市:Castelnau-le-Lez国家:法国

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