
国礼收藏时代名家 2024-06-19 10:52:26





Li Changchun, China. Born April 5,1954, Handan native, founder of the Global Art Quantum Life School, inventor of the x-grid national intellectual property patent for the rapid learning of Chinese characters, national Patent No. (201130342990,4) national senior artist, founder of Taiji Shudao, artist of Chinese State Affairs and State Protocol, honorary chairman of Chinese Academy of Painting and calligraphy, international famous painter. As a famous contemporary painter and scholar, Mr. Li Changchun has made a profound and extensive exploration into the creation of peonies. He based on the traditional ink, embrace the ancient and modern, learned from the strengths of families, into their own ideas, with a unique aesthetic perspective to capture the spirit of the times, rich in a distinctive sense of the times. As a creative artist, Mr. Tōjin elevates his own spirit to a state of “Ethereal and full”, highlighting his emotion and inner spirit with vivid artistic language and vivid and demure state. His works on peonies enable the viewer to find quiet and elegant interests and understand the expression of sincere emotions; Artistic context based on artistic conception. Mr. Tōjin has demonstrated his spiritual pursuit through the peony painting with his rich humanity, artistic understanding and precise conception. He has injected the interest of form and spirit into the painting, blending ink and color to create a sense of elegance and flexibility, constitute both traditional and full of strong flavor of the times of the art style. At the same time, the creation has absorbed various artistic elements, fusing color, light and shadow, light and shade to form the effect, fully displaying the aesthetic texture of the peony; Let each work be permeated with the spirit of the times and vitality, permeated with a poetic beauty of nature, show the new art pattern.

Mr. Tōjin devotes himself to writing, listening to the voice of the times, writing for the people and singing for the times. With his distinctive spirit of the times and humanism, he has given new qualities and horizons to the traditional language of writing, and he has created works with passion, describe the spiritual map of the new era, casting the cultural character and feelings of the nation. Exquisite works can move people's hearts, through the picture form, we can see the sincerity and connotation of Mr. Tōjin's heart, which contains a rich realm of thought, and shows the aesthetic meaning of both charm and charm

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