
专筑网 2018-12-14 23:56:02


Studio Cadena's Happy installation brightens Flatiron plaza in New York

该装置由Studio Cadena设计,黄色材质形态如笑脸,位于纽约Flatiron大楼外部,为假期而设立。

Yellow material shaped to resemble smiley faces is draped from this installation by Studio Cadena, erected outside New York City's Flatiron Building for the holiday season.


The Happy temporary structure occupies a wedge of unused space at the intersection of Broadway, Fifth Avenue, and 23rd Street.



Visitors are invited to move between the 23 transparent yellow vinyl screens hung over a black frame, which forms a triangular footprint similar to the iconic Flatiron Building located opposite.

Each piece of the tinted material is rounded at the bottom and punctured with circular openings that offer a clearer view through – altogether resembling smiling faces.

Studio Cadena在布鲁克林和波哥大都设置有工作室,设计了一些色彩斑斓、趣味盎然的结构体系,这些结构为美国动荡的一年结束的时候带来了一丝乐趣。

工作室创始人Benjamin Cadena在项目描述中说道:“在我们暗淡的社会背景和政治环境中,这个项目能够在城市中开辟出一片积极的净土,在这寒冷的冬天,为人们带来温暖的拥抱。”

Studio Cadena, which is based in both Brooklyn and Bogota, designed the colourful and playful structure to offer light relief at the end a tumultuous year in the US.

"In our otherwise bleak social and political context, it aspires to carve a small and more positive space in the city – it offers a warm embrace during the cold winter months," said studio founder Benjamin Cadena in a project description.



The designers chose the coloured fabric to tint views of the surroundings, and placed a series of large round lights inside the structure so that it glows at night.

The yellow stands out against the greenery of nearby Madison Square Park, and popped against the snow that fell unseasonably early this year – as shown in these photographs.

Studio Cadena在布鲁克林设计了一座工业化阁楼,为Flatiron公共广场设计竞赛而设计了这座装置。

Studio Cadena – which has also designed an industrial loft in Brooklyn – created the installation for the Flatiron Public Plaza Design Competition.

现在第五届竞赛由Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership Business Improvement District和Van Alen Institute共同举办,同样希望能够收集到适用于紧凑空间的设计方案。在2017年,设计方案包含有一系列如唱诗班排列的镜像管道。

Now in its fifth edition, the annual contest is held by the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership Business Improvement District and Van Alen Institute, and seeks designs for structures to fill the same compact space each year. In 2017, the design comprised a set of "choir-like" mirrored tubes.

快乐装置从其他9个方案之中脱颖而出,另外还包括由当地事务所Agency-Agency与Office III构思的设计方案。本次展览于2018年11月19日向公众开放,结束时间为2019年1月1日。

Happy was selected over nine other proposals – including schemes by local studios Agency-Agency and Office III – and opened to the public on 19 November 2018. It will remain on show until 1 January 2019.



摄影:Benjamin Cadena(除特殊注明)

"We all wish each other happiness during the holidays," said Cadena. "This installation physically manifests this well wishing to all who visit Flatiron."

Elsewhere, New York City is gearing up for holiday season with the installation of Daniel Libeskind's Swarovski Star at the top of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.

Photography is by Benjamin Cadena, unless stated otherwise.


主创设计师:Benjamin Cadena / Studio Cadena


制造与安装:Youngbuk Art Services

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