
专筑网 2019-04-07 23:57:25

Eco-house:8 Beautiful Dwellings that Are Cheap and Efficient





An eco-house is a house that consumes much less energy than ordinary homes. Many people might think it is hard to build a nice house that is yet eco-friendly. They can’t be more wrong!!

Since the quantity of resources on our planet is restricted, deposing them unwisely would end catastrophically. Cooling and heating our houses consume a LOT of energy. Trying to decrease the energy consumption would be the ultimate choice if we mean for the well-being of the next generations. Also, you can check this collection of outstanding sustainable houses from all over the world.

An eco-house is efficient because it employs prefabrication mechanisms and methods which reduce waste as well as energy consumption. There are several ways to build a more efficient residence with little money like using bigger overhangs, for example, to keep away unwanted sun rays. Also, people can construct their houses at the best possible orientation and optimally place the windows to get much cooler and well-lit interiors. There is, additionally, the economic advantage since an eco-house helps residents save up on electricity bills.

A few people are aware of all of the advantages of an eco-friendly house and even fewer people request architects to build efficient homes for them. This is why architects nowadays tend to build eco-houses for their own use and as a way to encourage people to follow suit, raising awareness for the cause.


Courtesy of Elora Hardy

1)竹屋(Elora Hardy/印度尼西亚巴厘岛)


Eco-House: Here is a Selection Across The Globe:

1) Bamboo homes (designed by Elora Hardy, Bali, Indonesia)

The outstanding bamboo houses are curvaceous and hold many amazing features. The building material, bamboo, is special as you can never find two identical bamboo poles. This is how every house has the unique shape that distinguishes it from the others. In addition to being an eco-friendly material, bamboo offers very good aeration, let alone its aesthetic features. Hardy speaks of her houses and says, “We have had to invent our own rules. ”

Courtesy of Multipod Architects

2)弹出式房屋(Multipod Architects/法国南部)


2) Pop-up house (designed by Multipod Architects, South of France)

It took an unbelievably short time to build the house. The construction workers erected it in just four days it, using only a screwdriver. The construction process resembled stacking LEGO blocks, as the French designer firm claims. The pop-up house is a prefab residence that will cost US$41,000 (€30,000) when available on the market. The house doesn’t need any heating systems because of its optimum insulation and taut thermal shell.

Courtesy of H&P Architects

3)盛开的竹屋(H&P Architects/越南)

这家建筑公司的目标是为普通居民在越南市场上出售这座房子。 这座房子可以抵抗深度达1.5米(5英尺)的洪水,该公司打算将极限推到3米(10英尺)。住宅主要由竹子制成,此外还有椰子叶和纤维板等其他原生材料。 该房屋总面积为44平方米(473平方英尺),预计售价为2,500美元。

3) Blooming Bamboo (designed by H&P Architects, Vietnam)

The architectural firm aims to sell the house on the Vietnamese market for the unprivileged people. The house is resistant to floods that reach a depth of 1.5 meters (5 feet), and the firm intends to push the limit to 3 meters (10 feet). The Blooming Bamboo is made mainly of bamboo, in addition to other native materials like coconut leaves and fiberboard. The house has a total area of 44 square meters (473 square feet), and it is expected to cost $2,500.

Courtesy of University Team of Wollongong

4)Illawarra Flame(Wollongong大学团队/澳大利亚)


4) Illawarra Flame (Team from University of Wollongong, Australia)

A team of students from UOW converted the ordinary ‘fibro house’, that is well-known in Australia, into an efficient home. They incorporated sustainable technology into the ‘fibro house’ to make it a zero-energy home. The modifications resulted in transforming the bedroom into a living area and incorporating prefab pods to comprise the restrooms and the laundry room.

Courtesy of Philippe Starck

5)P.A.T.H. (Philippe Starck/法国)

著名的法国设计师Philippe Starck与斯洛文尼亚的定制公司Riko携手合作,共同创造了P.A.T.H.预制无障碍技术住宅。这项顶尖的建筑有各种尺寸和形式。它可以完全由玻璃建造,也可以通过混合木材和玻璃建造,甚至可以完全由木材建造。可持续的功能包括屋顶风力涡轮机、雨水收集和净化系统,以及屋顶太阳能电池板。

5) P.A.T.H. (designed by Philippe Starck, France)

The famous French designer, Philippe Starck worked, hand in hand, with prefab firm Riko from Slovenia to produce P.A.T.H. (Prefabricated Accessible Technological Homes). The top-notch house can come in a variety of sizes and forms. It can be made completely out of glass, or through blending wood and glass. It can also be entirely made of wood. Sustainable features include a roof wind-turbine, a rainwater collection and purification system, and roof solar panels.

Courtesy of Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects

6)生态牧场(Turnbull Griffin Haesloop建筑师事务所/美国加利福尼亚州)


6) Eco ranch (designed by Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects, California, USA)

The eco-house stands on a plateau that has an area of 8,000 square feet, and it is composed of three individual sections. The owner asked the designers to make the living areas into definite spaces to give a sense of warmth and coziness. Also, the rest of the house has rooms with smaller areas to decrease the consumption of energy. The house is entirely made of wood.

Courtesy of Djuric Tardio Architectes

7)生态可持续住宅(Djuric Tardio Architectes/法国巴黎)



7) Eco-sustainable house (designed by Djuric Tardio Architectes, Paris, France)

The roof looks as if it is yet to be finished. Its role is to incorporate the house into the environment without interrupting the urban topography. Instead of closing the roof, the designers decided to transform it into a green terrace. The landscape architect suggested planting fruit trees, like squashes and kiwis, in addition to several other types of plants. The house is built of wooden plates that were prefabricated in a yard and then transported to the construction site. The wood was supplied by sustainably-based companies of private forest landlords, and it took the workers two weeks to assemble the house.

The dwelling has big double-layered windows to let in as much winter sun as possible. Furthermore, the windows have overhangs that permit the management of solar gain. Together, the big windows and the overhangs moderate the need for AC in the summer and heating in winter.

Courtesy of Justin Capra FITS

8)Soleta Zero Energy One(Justin Capra Foundation/罗马尼亚)

设计师希望设计一座价格合理的高效住宅,而不是徒有虚名的“绿色住宅”。 因此,他们应用了原生天然材料。住宅面积很小,但通过各种技术特性可以节省45%的电力,可以在任何地方建造。此外,房屋与绝缘玻璃结合,使自然光进入室内。

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