
专筑网 2018-10-31 23:30:09


Unknown Architects reveals original details of home in the Netherlands

荷兰Unknown Architects事务所对这座位于荷兰Leiden的20世纪的住宅进行了一次低调的翻新工程,以引起人们对历史奇闻的关注。

Dutch practice Unknown Architects has given this 20th-century home in Leiden, the Netherlands, an understated overhaul to draw attention to its historic quirks.

街角住宅(Corner House)位于Burgemeesterswjk社区的一个住宅区的拐角处,这座共有三层楼高的小楼始建于20世纪初,后来又进行了多次翻修,这些工程掩盖了它最初的装饰细节。

总部位于阿姆斯特丹的Unknown Architects事务所改造了这座老房子,该项目的业主为英国的四口之家。翻修的目的是为了满足患有慢性病的父母居住需求,因为他们的身体活动能力十分有限。

Unknown Architects的联合创始人Daan Vulkers对Dezeen的记者说:“这座房子被设计成他们未来的家,所以我们致力于整合整个房子,使一切尽可能的更加自然。”

Corner House sits on the bend of a residential street in the Burgemeesterswijk neighbourhood. Originally built in the early 1900s, the three-storey property has since undergone a number of renovations that obscured its original decor details.

Amsterdam-based practice Unknown Architects has revamped the home to "celebrated its core qualities" for its owners – a family of four who hail from the UK. The refurbishment is designed to suit the comfort requirements of one of the parents who suffers from a chronic illness, and often has limited physical movement.

"The house has been designed to be their home for the future, so we worked on integrating supports throughout the house to make everything as natural as possible," Daan Vulkers, co-founder of Unknown Architects, told Dezeen.



The practice decided to make a series of small interventions that wouldn't compromise the 160 square-metre home's existing layout, in which all the rooms are organised around an unusual pentagon-shaped hall.

An opening has been created between the dining and living area, in attempt to re-establish the ground floor's original open-plan layout. The sides of the new doorway have integrated shelving units that can be pulled out to display the inhabitant's books or ornaments.



Suspended ceilings that were previously in both rooms have been torn down to reveal ornate stucco work. The architect has also restored the stained-glass panels on the home's front facade, and inserted full-height windows on the rear elevation to allow more natural light into the interiors.

"This approach, which is sometimes restrained and other times daring, aims to add a new layer to the history of the building," said the practice.



Colour and material palettes have been kept simple throughout, with a majority of the walls painted white and paired with oak herringbone floors.

Sage green panelling has been introduced on the landing of the first floor to camouflage the client's stairlift.



Upstairs, a mezzanine level has been knocked through to connect the second floor to the attic and create bright, airy quarters for the client's two children. The room is now centred by a simple pinewood volume, which contains a bathroom – this also acts as separation between each child's bedroom.

A timber partition has also been erected to outline a common play area.

Unknown Architects事务所由Daan Vulkers和Keimpke Zigterman领导,早在2014年,他们通过增加一些内置的家具和白色的旋转楼梯,重装了Leiden一栋具有200年历史的住宅。

摄影:MWA Hart Nibbrig

Unknown Architects is led by Daan Vulkers and Keimpke Zigterman. Back in 2014, the practice updated a 200-year-old home in Leiden by adding a handful of built-in furnishings and a white twisting staircase.

Photography is by MWA Hart Nibbrig.


建筑设计:Unknown Architects事务所

项目建筑师:Daan Vulkers和Keimpke Zigterman

客户:Basd Interieur

室内装修:Houtwerk Delft

家具:Just Haasnoot

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