
专筑网 2021-02-24 15:19:30

由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。当前社会面临着新冠疫情的挑战,小老虎中文浸入式学校(Little Tiger Chinese Immersion School)决定将一大部分课堂教学搬到户外。在过去的这个夏天,学校校长来到建筑师工作室,协同设计一个可以快速搭建且经济的户外课堂,争取在2020新学年秋季入学开始之前投入使用。最基本的考虑是保护孩子们不受特克萨斯州烈日的暴晒。这个临时的结构花费少于3000美金,大约投入一周时间搭建。主要由2X4英寸的木条拼接而成,用螺纹桩锚固定在地面上,当结构被拆除时,锚固部分可以很容易地拆除,不留下任何痕迹。Text description provided by the architects. As a solution to the challenges faced because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Little Tiger Chinese Immersion School chose to move a large portion of itses outdoors. Over the summer the school director reached out to our office to design an outdoorroom that could be built quickly and affordably before the start of the new Fall 2020 school year. Their primary concern was to shelter the children from the intense Texas sun. The temporary structure cost less than $3000 USD and took about a week to build. It is composed primarily of wood 2x4’s which are secured to the ground with threaded pile anchors that can be easily removed when the structure is taken down, leaving no trace that it was there.

建筑师选择使用棍式框架出于几个原因,主要是因为快速、灵活以及经济。A型框架墙非常稳定,内置了线性的长椅可以让孩子们靠坐。建筑师同样也喜欢棍式框架结构的细腻和复杂表达,并寻找机会探索这种普遍建造体系的创新性运用。设计形状和强度来自于构件的多次重复。We choose to use stick framing for several reasons, primarily that it is fast, flexible, and affordable. The A-frame walls are very stable and include built-in linear benches for the kids to sit on. We are also fans of the granular and intricate structural expression of stick frame construction and look for opportunities to explore innovative applications of this common building system. Here the design figure and strength comes from the repetition of members.

结构通过对角构件的使用得到了进一步的表现,其在给予结构趣味性、图形化品质的同时,横向支撑了墙体。课堂从早晨开始开课,一直持续到日中,充分利用了凉爽的上午温度。因为太阳在早上入射角很低,所以东向的墙能提供和屋顶一样多的遮阳功能。The structure is further expressed through the use of diagonal members which brace the walls laterally while giving the structure a playful, graphic quality. Classes are held in the morning until midday to take advantage of the cooler morning temperatures. Since the sun is low in the morning, the east-facing wall provides as much shade as the roof does.

东面的A型框架墙充当了垂直遮阳布的电枢,跨越a型框架墙之间的是一个现成的预制可伸缩遮阳布屋顶。这种材料是反光的太阳能布,可以减少来自太阳的辐射热。课堂很受孩子们欢迎,当没有教学任务时,孩子们会将它当作玩耍的装置,在这里,孩子们可以安全地攀爬。The A-frame wall on the east side acts as an armature for the vertical shade cloth. Spanning between the A-frame walls is an off-the-shelf prefabricated retractable shade cloth roof. The material is reflective solar cloth to cut down the radiant heat from the sun. Theroom is very popular with the children who use it as a play structure when theroom is not in use. Here, climbing the walls is encouraged.

建筑设计:Murray Legge Architecture类型:临时装置,教育建筑面积:500平方英尺(约46.5平方米)年份:2020年摄影:Leonid Furmansky生厂商:GRAPHISOFT, Tang Sunshades设计团队:Murray Legge, Travis Avery, Lincoln Davidson委托人:Little Tiger Chinese Immersion School, Mike Osborne & Meggie Chou工程:Fort Structures承包商:Mike Osborne (client also constructed the project)城市:奥斯汀国家:美国

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