
天翰英语 2025-03-21 10:51:07


英 [ɪ'neɪt] 美 [ɪ'neɪt]





① 《Scientific American》 (2023年10月15日)

Scientists debate whether language ability is innate or shaped by environment.


② 《The Atlantic》 (2024年7月8日)

Her innate charisma drew people in, despite her lack of formal training.



① 《弗兰肯斯坦》(Frankenstein)——玛丽·雪莱 (1818年)

Was there an innate goodness in him, or had society corrupted his soul?


② 《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)——简·奥斯汀 (1811年)

Marianne’s innate passion often overruled her sister’s cautious advice.


◉Usage Notes

(1) Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.

(2) You obviously have an innate talent for music.

(3) Children have an innate ability to learn language.

(4) The love is the innate strength.

(5) This passage may be interpreted as a recognition of an innate moral sense in man.

(1) 本事不是天生的,是锻炼出来的。

(2) 你显然有天生的音乐才能。

(3) 孩子具有天生的学习语言的能力。

(4) 爱是与生俱来的力量!

(5) 这段话可以被解释为对人类固有的道德意识的认识。

◉Usage Examples

If a characteristic or ability is already present in a person or animal when they are born, it is innate. People have the innate ability to speak whereas animals do not.

Innate can also be used figuratively for something that comes from the mind rather than from external sources. Do you know someone with an innate sense of style? Some kids seem to have an innate sense of fairness where others seem to be natural bullies. In some contexts, innate means inherent. There is an innate sadness in certain types of ceremonies.


1. [ADJ 形容词]天生的;天然的;固有的 An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with. [usu ADJ n]

Americans have an innate sense of fairness.


...a society in which individuals could develop their innate abilities and capacities.



I believe everyone is innately psychic.


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