
专筑网 2019-04-19 00:00:06


Toshihiro Oki links pale brick volumes to form Long Island weekend retreat

纽约的建筑师Toshihiro Oki在长岛为客户设计了一座可全年开放的度假屋,设计师通过“以随机图案堆叠”的粘土砖在墙壁上创造出了不同的色调。

Clay bricks "stacked in a random pattern" create varying hues across the walls of this holiday home in Long Island, which New York-based architect Toshihiro Oki has designed for a client to host friends all year round.

低矮的房子位于长岛贝尔波特(Bellport)村,俯瞰着贝尔波特湾(Bellport Bay)。

The low-slung house is located in the Long Island village of Bellport and overlooks Bellport Bay.

Toshihiro Oki选择使用粘土砖来抵御咸涩的海洋空气以及该地区冬季的冻融循环。土砖的色调略有不同,因此当它们堆叠在一起时,就会在立面上产生微妙的颜色变化。

“砖块以随机的方式堆叠,以打破其刚性,使粘土的物质性表现地更加流畅,”Toshihiro Oki在项目声明中说。

Toshihiro Oki chose clay bricks for their durability against the salty ocean air, as well as the freezing and thawing cycles that take place during the area's winters.

The earthen slabs slightly differ in tone so that when stacked together, they offer subtle colour changes across the facade.

"The bricks are stacked in a random pattern to break its rigidity and give a more fluid feel to its clay materiality," said Toshihiro Oki in a project statement.

长岛是纽约市民非常热衷的一个度假地点,像长岛的其他房产一样,这个面积为4800平方英尺(446平方米)的贝尔波特之家也是一个周末度假胜地。 Toshihiro Oki的客户想要创造空间来接待他们的朋友。


Like many other properties in Long Island – a popular getaway for New Yorkers – the 4,800-square-foot (446-square-metre) Bellport House is a weekend retreat. Toshihiro Oki's client however also wanted space to host plenty of their friends.

"They entertain guests throughout the year, so someone is always staying there," the firm added.



The firm has linked together a series of brick volumes to form the property and mark out different functions.

Two offset longitudinal volumes contain the home's five bedrooms and meet at a central point, which contains the main social spaces.


Four of the bedrooms are located on the ground floor, with an additional bedroom perched on the level above.The upstairs suite enjoys its own terrace with an elevated view of the landscape surrounding the home and waterfront beyond.


All of the bedrooms have doors that open to the exterior, providing guests with the option of stepping outside without passing through the home.


The owner's master suite, meanwhile, is located in a separate volume at the western end and is connected to the main home via a glazed breezeway.Entry to the residence leads into a foyer, which has floor-to-ceiling glass walls overlooking the ocean.

酒店各处均设有宽敞的玻璃窗,可欣赏到园景房和岸边的景色。 “大型滑动玻璃门使这些区域更加开放,让人们可以在内部和外部之间轻松穿行,”设计师表示。


Additional views of the landscaped property and the shore beyond are provided by expansive glass walls throughout the property. "Large sliding glass doors open these areas out to the exterior, allowing people to flow easily between inside and outside," said the firm.

"As people pass by in boats, or birds fly by and the tide changes, the activity of the waterway is on full display from the house."



Off to one side of the foyer is the open-plan living and dining area. Guests can gather here in a sunken lounge overlooking the water, which is separated from the dining room by a two-sided fireplace.

The dining room is adjacent to a library, which is more enclosed for a private study.


The kitchen is in a separate room, but also opens onto the back yard, with access to the swimming pool. A large stainless steel counter provides plenty of workspace for hosting gatherings.



Apart from large glass walls, skylights also brighten the interior spaces, and which are finished in light materials such as natural wood and white plaster.

Heated travertine floors run throughout and help provide thermal comfort during the region's harsh winters.

长岛上的其他度假屋包括一个Marvel Architects建筑设计事务所设计的俯瞰着长岛海湾的住宅和一个现代主义的房屋,房屋覆盖着风化的木板,顶部是Bates Masi Architects设计的游泳池。

摄影:Dean Kaufman

Other vacation homes on Long Island include a home overlooking the nearby Peconic Bay by Marvel Architects and a modernist home clad in weathered wood planks and topped with a swimming pool by Bates Masi Architects.

Photography is by Dean Kaufman.

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