
专筑网 2019-05-22 23:00:26


Dandenong Civic Square

来自Rush Wright Associates事务所的描述。公共广场成为墨尔本的新型空间,将“城市公园”和“城市广场”结合,广场上遍布高大的松树,铺设倾斜的草坪,旨在提供多功能空间,让来广场游憩的人们释放来自工作中的压力,并且这里还能举办不同规模的活动。主广场大约有十个不同比例的空间,每个空间都具有微妙差异和多样的特征和细节,能够满足不同形式的日常使用需求。广场上十分空旷,但每到夏天便会有19个大型红伞为人们提供阴凉处。

Rush Wright Associates: The public square establishes a new type of space for Melbourne, creating a studied mix of the ‘urban park’ and ‘civic square’ typologies. In part shaded by a tall grove of advanced Cook Pines, and surrounded by inclined grass planes, the space is intended to work in many modes, creating spaces that work day‐to‐day for individuals, and which are capable of being programmed in many ways for events of many different sizes. There are about ten spaces of differing scale edging the main square, each with subtle, diverse character and detailing designed to sustain different forms of day to day use and for events. The ecumenical centre is left unencumbered, but able to shade by a grid of 19 large scale red umbrellas for summer.

可持续性,意味着长寿命、低能耗、低维护。而广场主体采用了花岗岩铺设,这能经得起时间的考验。其他材料也十分耐用,如青石、图案砖镶嵌和混凝土。座椅等设施使用再生木材, Lonsdale街的小型广场空间上就建有大型座椅平台。

Sustainability is focused on long‐life, low energy material which don’t need a lot of maintenance. The main body of the square is paved in granite, designed to stand the test of time. Other materials are also designed for longevity, including bluestone, inlays of patterned brick, and limited use of insitu concrete. Recycled timber is used where people sit, and to create the large scale seating platform edging the smaller plaza space addressing Lonsdale Street.


The main square drain to water the Cook Pines, which are planted in large tree pits designed to collect stormwater and to promote and prolong tree growth in this wholly artificial former building site. Other plantings are chosen for resilience and for drought tolerance.


The social life of the square is the primary driver of sustainable design for this community. The square offers a great many seating and other opportunities for active inhabitation. This seems to have been accepted almost immediately with local people and serves the many cultures already using the square, who value the opportunity to sit in larger groups, and to socialize in truly urban ways which reflect the origins of ancient cultures of many lands who have come to Dandenong. Sustainable design often focuses on raw technical criteria, but here the square functions to evidence Dandenong’s commitment to cultural diversity and a welcoming spirit that is the hallmark of Australian public life. Here everyone can have a fair go, and the square creates a unique civic tableau that has already become a vibrant and colourful heart at the centre of the Dandenong community experience.

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