
香课程 2024-08-06 12:28:35



Insect intelligence: exploring their cognitive abilities


If I asked you to think of an intelligent creature, you’d probably say a chimp or a dolphin, right? But did you know that many insects are also incredibly smart? In fact, some of their cognitive skills might surprise you.


Ways in which insects exhibit cognitive abilities


When I talk about insect intelligence, I’m not referring to intelligence in the way that you or I might display this trait. But that’s because insects have very different brains to humans, and the way they process information is not the same either.


Consider that a human brain can weigh between 2.9 and 3.1 lbs (1.3 and 1.4 kg), whereas a honey bee’s brain only weighs less than a small grain of sand. Knowing this, we would conclude that insects do not have the same level of cognition as we do. While that’s true to a degree, they have their own way of displaying smarts that’s pretty amazing when you consider their size.


Insect brains exhibit remarkable capabilities, enabling them to count, devise unique communication methods, and even identify faces.


Learning and memory


In order to survive, it’s incredibly important that an organism has some sort of ability to learn and memorize information. Amazingly, insects are capable of both short and long-term memory and this helps them in many ways.


I’ve always been fascinated by honey bees, and one of the things that amazes me is their ability to learn where the best food sources are. Not only will they commit this to memory, but they’ll also use a special form of communication called a waggle dance to tell other members of their colony where to forage. And it’s not just honey bees, while bumble bees might not have as great a memory, they’re still able to recall food sources for several hours which helps them when foraging.


Several studies have taken place on insects to determine their memory abilities, and one thing that many of them display is that they can learn to differentiate between reward and punishment. Various stimuli are presented to insects, such as odors, and over time, they’ll start to learn which odors offer a reward and which offer punishment. This is something that has been seen in wasps leading scientists to believe they could be trained in the same way as a sniffer dog!


And if they’re not learning, they’ll give trial and error a go. For example, the fruit fly will learn to avoid certain scents when they’re linked to a bad experience. The benefit of this is that they’re better able to avoid potentially dangerous situations in the wild.


There is even evidence of caterpillars being exposed to certain odors and recalling this information even after they’ve undergone metamorphosis. Researchers performed studies on the tobacco hornworm caterpillar where mild electric shocks were delivered in association with a particular odor. Even once they reached adulthood, it was noted that they still associated these shocks with negative results.


Spatial memory is also something we see in insects like ants, which are able to recall their nest location. They largely do this using visual cues, and this helps them to navigate their world.


Problem-solving skills


It would be hard to get through life without an ability to solve problems, and while insects have small brains, they’re still able to find solutions to complex tasks. For example, many insects have been seen to use tools. Ants are a prime example of this, and they’ve developed the ability to find absorbent materials to help transfer liquid food back to the nest.


Moreover, the assassin bugs found in arid parts of Australia are known to cover themselves in sticky plant resin to improve their prey capture abilities. Amazingly, this type of resin was used by primitive humans to make tools.


When it comes to finding their way around, many insects have some awesome problem solving skills to get to a specific location. Some species of desert ant will use the sun’s position along with landmarks to find their way home and can even use their spatial reasoning to determine the best route to their destination.


There’s even been evidence to suggest that wasps may be able to use logical reasoning, and this is the first time this type of behavior has been noted in an insect.


During tests, bumble bees were presented with two sugar containers and expected to find a way to open them. Older specimens seemed to be able to complete this problem solving task, but what was truly amazing was that younger bees appeared to watch and learn, proving that this species may pass on information to younger generations.


Communication and language


Communication is essential in any species as it ensures their very survival by telling others where food is or if there’s an incoming threat. And insects communicate in some very unique ways.


Earlier, I mentioned the waggle dance performed by honey bees, and this isn’t just a way to let others know that there is food nearby. Honey bees performed certain moves to indicate the direction and quality of the food source. Moreover, these ‘moves’ are passed down to younger bees as they watch their elders perform them!


Honey bees, and many other insects, such as ants, also use pheromone communication. Quite often, this is used to signal danger, and these chemical cues alert the rest of the colony who can then take action to protect their nest. Queen bees also produce pheromones that influence the behavior of the colony and tell them when she’s ready to mate or even die!


Ants will also use pheromones to mark trails to viable food sources which makes it easier for other members of the colony to follow the trail and bring more food back.


While insects are incapable of speech, that doesn’t mean they don’t use audible cues to communicate. If you’ve ever heard crickets chirping, that’s not just a random noise; it’s actually a song designed to attract a mate.


Tactile communication is also common in the insect kingdom, meaning that they use touch to communicate. Honey bees will create vibrations within the hive and are often done to alert individuals that a waggle dance is taking place on the outside.


Ants are another species that use this type of communication and will touch their antennae to those of another ant in order to determine whether they’re from the same colony.


Social behavior


Many species of insects live in highly social groups called colonies. Examples include bees, termites, and ants, and the numbers in these colonies can be in the tens of thousands. In order for these colonies to thrive, there needs to be a tight social structure, which often means having a hierarchy or caste system. This might include reproductive castes and worker castes and in many ant species, they’ll develop different body shapes according to their caste!


On top of that, the colony is divided into different job roles, with each insect playing an important part. In the honey bee hive, worker bees head out to forage, and nurse bees tend to the eggs and larvae. There are also drones, which are males, and their sole purpose it is to mate with the queen. In ant colonies, there are even soldiers whose job is to protect the nest.


And some ant species even display altruistic behaviors, creating a distraction for a predator and self-sacrificing for the good of the colony. Honey bees also display this type of behavior and will sting, resulting in death, if it means the colony will survive.


Without the intense cooperation we see in insect colonies and their ability to work together, their social structures would not survive. What’s more, in a study on wasps, it was noted that social species relied more heavily on group power than on their own brains, with certain parts of the brain associated with social skills even shrinking.


Do insects have brains?


Insects do have brains, but they’re not made up in the same way as human brains. This is largely to do with the number of neurons. Humans have around 86 billion, whereas a fruit fly only has 200,000.


However, like human brains, the insect brain can be broken down into three basic parts; the protocerebrum, the deutocerebrum, and the tritocerebrum. However, many insects also have other small brain parts that further assist their senses and ability to learn and memorize. Let’s take a look at what each part is responsible for.


The protocerebrum is the biggest part of the insect’s brain and indeed, the most complex. It’s here that information is processed in relation to senses like sight and smell as well as the insect’s motor functions. It’s here that memory and learning also take place.


The deutocerebrum processes information in relation to senses such as touch and smell.


The smallest part of the insect brain is the tritocerebrum, and it’s here that information is processed in relation to the nervous system and coordination.


As I mentioned, we do see some other cerebral structures in insects, and one such example are the mushroom bodies. Mushroom bodies are vital for the insects’ sensory processing and are small structures that receive information from the sensory organs.


Not only this, but the mushroom bodies are also able to form associations between various sensory inputs, which helps the insect in its learning and ability to memorize information related to these. In fact, it’s thought that the mushroom bodies are where most memory information is stored in the insect brain.


When we look at the size of the mushroom bodies in any given insect, we can see that those with larger structures are more advanced in their cognitive abilities.


Another brain structure we see in insects is the optic lobe. This is a small part of the brain that processes information from the optic surfaces and sends it to the brain.




【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

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