
清溪壶语课程 2024-05-19 04:57:59
读 后 续 写——五大主旨升华结尾的万能句 01助人为乐篇 Even small acts of love/kindness can make a big difference.Love/kindness is one thing that really deserves to be passed on from one to another.即使是小小的善举也能带来很大的不同。爱与善良是件值得传递的事情。 From then on, I made up my mind to pass on “love” to others. Just as a saying goes: “Rose given and fragrance in hands.”从那时起,我就决定把“爱”传递给别人。正如一句谚语所说:“赠人玫瑰,手留余香。” From then on, I would try my best to help somebody. Only in this way could more and more people help each other in the future.从那时起,我会尽我最大的努力去帮助某人。只有这样,将来才能有越来越多的人互相帮助。 02人与社会篇 It's a memorable moment witnessing a new and meaningful bond in our family. From my father's words, I have realized that family matters the most in the world. I will treasure/value it with all my heart forever.这是一个难忘的时刻,见证了我们家庭新的、有意义的纽带。从我父亲的话中,我意识到了家人才是世界上最重要的。我会永远用心珍惜它。 Everyone has one person they look up to as a role model. To me, there is none other than my mom.From my mother's kindness, I have felt the warmth of our family. Without her in my life, I would have no idea whether I can do something.每个人都有一个他们崇拜的榜样。对我来说不是别人,正是我妈妈。从我母亲的善良中,我感受到了我们家庭的温暖。如果我的生活中没有她,我将不知道我是否能做某事。 With gratitude in their hearts, they realized that the true treasure of a parent-child relationship lay in the moments of connection, creating a lifelong bond that went beyond words.内心怀着感激之情,他们意识到父母与孩子关系的真正财富在于联系的时刻,创造出超越言语的终生纽带。 The students and the teachers developed an unbreakable bond, where wisdom and inspiration flowed between them, creating a lasting friendship.学生和老师之间建立了一种智慧和灵感在他们之间流动的,牢不可破的纽带,创造出一种持久的友谊。 03自我成长篇 (1) 学习知识促 “成长” It's never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。 (2)发挥天赋促 “成长” Actually, each of us possesses a unique talent that we are born with. As long as we are good at discovering it and developing it to the fullest, and also make efforts, we can create miracles in the end.事实上,我们每个人都拥有与生俱来的与众不同的天赋,只要我们善于发现它并将其发挥到极致,为之做出努力,最终你就肯定能创造奇迹 。 (3)追逐梦想促 “成长” It's never too late to pursue your dream. As long as you seize every opportunity and take full advantage of it, and also make every effort, you are sure to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住它,充分利用好它并做出努力,你一定会实现梦想。 As long as you have a dream, just go for it, and never give it up easily. Your dream will come true sooner or later.只要你有梦想,就去追求,不要轻易放弃。你的梦想终将实现。 (4) 克服困难促 “成长” The journey to success is not smooth. It is full of challenges and hardships. We should be brave to face them. As long as we don't give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goals finally.通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对。只要不放弃希望并做出努力克服所有困难,我们最终会实现我们的目标。 (5)战胜恐惧促 “成长” Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accomplish your goal.战胜恐惧和实现目标,需要决心和乐观。 (6)战胜自卑促 “成长” I smiled as I eventually realized the real source of confidence. Now, I am proud of what I look like, because I have come to realize that it is your personality that decides who you really are.我笑了,因为我最终意识到了自信的真正来源。现在,我为自己长什么样感到骄傲,因为我已经意识到,真正决定你是谁是你的个性。 In, I tried my best to seize every opportunity to improve myself. Gradually, I began to have normal conversations with mymates and got along well with them. Everything in life was becoming more and more beautiful.在课堂上,我尽力抓住一切机会来提高自己。渐渐地,我开始和我的同学们正常地交谈,并和他们相处得很好。生活中的一切在变得越来越美好。 (7)战胜消极促 “成长” Attitude is more important than facts for us. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact. However, the only thing we can do is to hold a positive attitude.对我们来说,态度比事实更重要。我们不能改变我们的过去,我们不能改变事实。然而,我们唯一能做的就是保持积极的态度。 04感动感悟篇 Warmth ran through my body. I held the paper bag tightly, tears rolling down without control. It is love that makes the world go around, which I felt deep in my heart.暖意涌入了我的身体。我紧紧地握着纸袋,眼泪止不住地流。我深深感受到,正是爱让世界转动。 From this project, we also learned the significance of teammates. Just as the saying goes, “one person can go fast, but a group of persons can travel farther.”从这个项目中,我们也了解到了同伴的重要性。正如俗话说,“一个人可以走得快,但一群人可以走得更远。” Lucy’s mom sensed her daughter’s worry and gave her a reassuring pat on the back. “You’ll be great, dear. Just do your best. That’s all that matters.”露西的妈妈感觉到了女儿的担忧,拍拍她的背,让她安心。“亲爱的,你会变得更好的。尽你最大的努力。那才是最重要的。” 05遇险脱困篇 That unforgettable experience was carved into my heart and nothing would be able to erase it. it has become the most unforgettable experience, which I will cherish forever in my life!那段难忘的经历刻在我的心里,没有什么能够抹去它。它成为了我最难忘的经历,我将在人生中永远珍惜它! Finally, we went out of the forest that trapped us. What an unforgettable experience! It turns out that there’s always a way out of any plight as long as we stay calm.最后,我们走出了困住我们的森林。多么令人难忘的经历啊!事实证明,只要我们保持冷静,就总有办法脱离险境。 Only then did I realize that it was bravery that helped us conquer whatever difficulty came in the way.直到那时,我才意识到,正是勇敢帮助了我们克服路途中的一切困难。 We will meet various challenges in life, but we should never give up easily. Just as the famous saying goes, “sunshine always comes after the rain.”人生中我们会碰到各种挑战,但是不要轻易放弃。正如名言所说,“阳光总在风雨后。”
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