
专筑网 2018-12-09 00:04:36


Studio Weave builds viewing tower that looks like a terraced house in London's Greenwich

Studio Weave近期完成了一座如同“经典退台建筑”的展馆,建筑位于伦敦格林威治,人们能够在展馆上俯瞰周边美景。

Studio Weave has unveiled a pavilion in the form of a "typical terraced house", offering views over the construction site of a new design district on the Greenwich Peninsula in London.

该项目名字为“33”,Studio Weave负责人Je Ahn曾经居住于此,建筑共三层,呈现为梯形,并且搭配有亮红色的大门。


Named 33, the number of the house Studio Weave director Je Ahn used to live at, the three-storey pavilion is built in the shape of a terraced house, complete with a bright red door.

The design references the housing that previously covered much of the Greenwich Peninsula, and the structure also stands near a row of surviving Georgian worker terraces on River Way. But instead of typical brick walls, 33 comprises a decorative lattice of timber elements.



"The project was conceived under the theme of 'what home is'," explained Ahn, who is also a judge of the inaugural Dezeen Awards.

"It celebrates the evolution of the area as a creative community providing new homes, jobs and neighbourhoods near the River Thames," he told Dezeen.




The stripped structure of the single terraced house is built with Douglas fir from forests in the UK, joined together with timber pegs.

"Thirty-three echoes the proportions of a historical terrace dwelling, mimicking window, door and chimney segments yet introducing a contemporary twist in the form of intricately patterned stud-work," said Ahn.

"These patterns have a structural purpose whilst also suggesting broader cultural associations – in particular questioning the meaning of home in contemporary London, where terraced houses are still the dominating residential typology associated with the idea of home."



Within the timber terrace, a bright yellow steel staircase allows visitors to climb up inside the pavilion to get views of the a new housing development that is already under construction.

"Acting as the destination for visitors travelling down Phoenix Avenue, the pavilion is both a viewing platform for contemplating the construction of the neighbouring design district and an event space for a variety of activities," said Ahn.

在展览中,地面上的平面设计由Jay Cover与Hato共同绘制完成,这展示了家具的典型特征,诸如桌子、椅子、书桌等家具与这座住宅都十分协调。



Throughout the pavilion, graphics on the floor – coordinated by Hato and illustrated by Jay Cover – show typical items of furniture that would be normal in a home, such as tables and chairs, and a desk.

On the ground floor, these illustration extend out from the pavilion to form a "garden".

"With illustrations that evoke the personal occupation of the home, extending into a 2D drawn 'garden', visitors can discover and take delight in everyday domestic stuff that reveals how Londoners live today," added Ahn.

Studio Weave已经完成了伦敦的几个展馆的设计,近期的项目位于泰晤士河附近,在水箱之中,建筑师放置了一座抬高的花园。

摄影:Jim Stephenson

Studio Weave has completed several pavilions across London. The most recent, which is also near the River Thames, contains a raised garden within a water tank.

Photography is by Jim Stephenson.


建筑设计:Studio Weave

客户:Now Gallery & Greenwich Peninsula and Knight Dragon

平面设计:Hato with Jay Cover



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