
专筑网 2021-03-02 19:46:40

The Braunstein Taphouse由专筑网柊,小R编译项目是一个在丹麦Koege海湾的新酒吧,将会接待接近15000名参观Braunstein小型酿酒厂的游客,并为当地社区提供多种活动。总部位于哥本哈根的ADEPT事务所负责建筑设计,这是一座可拆卸建筑,能够面对多种可能的土地租凭情况。在接下来的几十年里,ADEPT近期设计建成的酒吧将会扮演Braunstein酒厂游客中心的角色,并作为当地的自然集会场所,用于举办社区的各种活动。A new taphouse, at the harbour of Danish city Koege, will welcome the more than 15.000 yearly visitors to the nearby micro-brewery Braunstein and offer activities for the local community. Copenhagen-based ADEPT is behind the building that is designed for disassembly to meet a potential temporary lease of land.For the next decade, the recently completed Taphouse by ADEPT will act as the visitors center for the Braunstein brewery and at the same time establish a natural local meeting place supporting community initiatives and activities.

建筑坐落于城市的海湾码头区域内,作为城市气候适应战略的一个潜在部分。为了适应未来的变化,Braunstein酒吧采用“可拆卸设计”,在建筑无法长久使用的情况下,让回收再利用建筑组件成为可行的选择,或者方便于整座建筑在其他地方建起,或是将材料用于其他项目。The building stands on stretch of municipality owned harbour quay that is considered a potential part of the city’s climate adaption strategy. To adapt to this possible temporary lifespan, the Braunstein Tap-house is ‘designed for disassembly’ to make recycling of building components an realistic option if the building cannot stay – either by re-completing the entire building at a different location or by using the materials as part of other projects.

“对于我们来说,设计Braunstein酒吧作为扎根于当地、为新当地集会场所理念做支撑的建筑是十分重要的。显著的山墙设计受到一些港湾里老旧仓库的启发,这是为了让建筑更加自然地贴合海事建筑的特征。”ADEPT事务所的Anders Lonka阐述到。他说:“因为建筑的多种可能性,我们坚持‘可拆卸建筑’原则,那意味着建筑仅由机械连接建成,并不做漆面处理。””It was important to us to design the Braunstein Taphouse as a locally anchored building that supports the idea of a new local meeting place. The significant gables are inspired by some of the old warehouses at the harbor, which is part of making the building a natural part of the raw maritime identity”, explains Anders Lonka, from ADEPT. He continues: ”Because of the possibility of a limited lifespan for the building, we have worked with principles from ’design for disassembly’, which means that the house is constructed with only mechanical joints and no paintwork.

酒吧采用了许多没有混合的可持续性材料,与相似规模的建设相比,这样大程度降低了建造的浪费程度。建筑的结构体系简单,并仅用机械结构进行连接,所有的主体墙面都没有经过油漆或是抹灰处理。木地板使用的是就近的铺地制造商Junckers的废料产品,巨大的屋顶表面由节点连接的聚碳酸酯制成,木制外墙用经由Cradle2Cradle Gol、FSC和丹麦生态标签Svanemaerket认证的中性二氧化碳Accoya制成,酒吧通过太阳能电池板自我满足部分用电需求,并通过自然通风,减少了对机械通风的需求。The Taphouse is composed of few and sustainable materials that as far as possible are not mixed. This has reduced the volume of waste from the construction considerable compared to similar constructions. The building is based on simple tectonic principles, and is completed with mechanical joints only. All primary wall surfaces are without paint or grout. Wooden floors are laid with waste product from nearby flooring manufacturer Junckers. The large roof surfaces are made from click-joint polycarbonate, while wood facades are made from the CO2 neutral Accoya that is certified Cradle2Cradle Gold, FSC as well as the Danish eco-label Svanemaerket. The Taphouse is partly self-sufficient with electricity from solar panels and natural ventilation reduce the need for mechanical ventilation.

Braunstein酒吧坐落在城市与海湾之间的交通节点之上,是海湾的入口,突出城市与水域的连接,建筑的首层为一端的咖啡厅和另一端的餐厅提供空间,同时上层空间服务于当地的社区活动和私人事件。The Braunstein Taphouse is located at the transition point between the city and the harbor and act as a gateway to the harbour that underlines the connection between water and city. The ground floor of the building accommodates a café at one end and a restaurant at the other, while the upstairs spaces are used by local community activities and private events.

湾区的历史建筑和原始工业氛围启发了建筑和它周围的城市空间,使得简约的建筑突出表现出湾区当地的特点,全然符合自身的特色。The historic buildings and the raw industrial atmosphere at the harbour inspired the architecture and the urban spaces around it. The result is a clean cut architecture that underlines the identity of the harbour in a locally anchored project - both belonging and completely its own.

项目信息建筑设计:ADEPT地点:丹麦年份:2020年层数:1-5层委托方:Braunstein酒厂合作方:HPH Totalbyg

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