
专筑网 2018-12-10 00:13:19


Huntingtower / Workroom


Text description provided by the architects. Together AGUSHI Construction and architects and interior designers Workroom, are a tour de force in the design and construction of contemporary buildings. One of their latest modern masterpieces is Huntingtower, an exceptional multimillion dollar bespoke home.

这个四卧室住宅位于墨尔本迷人的Armadale郊区,是AGUSHI创始总监Bear Agushi和家人的生活住宅。

Located in Melbourne’s charming suburb of Armadale, the new 4-bedroom residence is home to AGUSHI’s Founding Director, Bear Agushi and his family.


The house unfolds dramatically from the street; an imposing 3-storey box cantilevered over glass rooms and embedded in sunken gardens. It’s an exotic experience to enter the home to find a sculptural folded plate steel staircase redolent of a sculpture.

建筑师和开发商Bear Agushi对当代建筑和室内设计充满热情,他为创造高度细致的定制住宅而感到非常自豪。工作室由建筑师John Bornas创立,是一家专注于住宅、零售、商业和酒店业的现代设计和室内设计的工作室。作为共同创造者,他们建造了设计独特的高端住宅,拥有令人兴奋的装饰和生活体验。

Builder and developer, Bear Agushi, has a passion for contemporary architecture and interior design and he takes enormous pride in creating highly detailed, bespoke homes. Workroom, founded by architect John Bornas, is a studio specialising in contemporary design and interiors in the residential, retail, commercial and hospitality sectors. As cocreators they build exceptionally designed high end homes with exciting finishes and living experiences.

“我们对房子的态度是经过深思熟虑的,这不仅仅是时尚的问题。建筑与居民之间的联系是通过对规模、形式、空间和材料的严格探索而建立的。精致的材料和复杂的细节赋予空间优雅和奢华的氛围。”Workroom总监兼建筑师John Bornas说。

“Our approach to the house was very considered and transcends fashion. The connection between the building and the inhabitant is grounded through a rigorous exploration of scale, form, space and material. The delicate palette of materials and intricate detailing bestows elegance and luxury,” says Workroom Director and architect, John Bornas.

尽管经常对这样的细节的关注,但很少以这样的方式实现,使其成为世界级的住所。在Huntingtower,整个体验氛围都是奢华的。有一个厨师级的厨房,设备齐全的管家厨房,带游泳池和户外厨房的度假式露天区,以及由著名景观设计师Jack Merlo精心设计的花园。

Attention to detail like this is often offered but rarely achieved in such a way that makes it a world-class residence. At Huntingtower the entire experience is lavish. There’s a chef’s kitchen, fully appointed butler’s pantry, a resort-style alfresco zone with pool and outdoor kitchen, and carefully curated gardens by renown landscape architect, Jack Merlo.

“为了取得惊人的成果,每个人都必须站在同一个立场上,这意味着要竭尽全力地去完成。我们相信我们完全适应客户的需求,并且事实证明,我们认为工作室在设计我们的梦想家园时会考虑我和妻子的想法。“Agushi的主创Bear Agushi说。

“Everyone must be on the same page to achieve such stunning results, and that means total dedication to achieving something outstanding. We believe that we’re completely attuned to client needs and, as it turned out, we think that Workroom read the minds of my wife and I when it came to creating our dream home,” says Bear Agushi, Director of Agushi.


The combination of materials creates such a sense of wonder as you move through the house. Finished with natures’ own stone, the timelessness of European Oak parquetry flooring, and the richness of beautiful brass fixtures tells a story of sophistication and glamour.


“A narrative unfolds of stunning detail and tactile material, raw steel, dark panelled walls, concrete, bronze, timber and stone, elements that invite you to touch and feel,” says Bear.


This architectural gem delivers first living and entertaining precincts, state-of-the-art appointments and a sense of indulgence throughout, which includes four bedrooms with individual bathrooms and a secure four-car basement garage.


“We’ve worked with AGUSHI on several projects now so we know each other well when it comes to our design sensibilities. We’ve developed a great working relationship where we understand and respect what each brings to a project. Bear understands the architectural intent and interprets it skilfully and successfully. This not only enhances the finished building, it ensures a seamless process along the way.

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