
专筑网 2018-12-03 22:22:52


10 books that tell you everything you need to know about the Bauhaus


For our Bauhaus 100 series, we've picked out 10 must-read books about the most influential art and design school in history, fromic volumes written by teachers, to contemporary titles that reveal its international influence.

《Bauhaus 1919-1928 》/ Herbert Bayer

这本书在1933年由MoMA出版社出版,当时包豪斯已经关闭五年,作者Herbert Bayer是包豪斯的一名老师,他从自己的角度出发,提供了洞察跨学科艺术学校的课程组织。

书内提供了大部分细节,从家具和印刷车间到艺术家像 Paul Klee和Wassily Kandinsky所教授的课程。本书还包括许多草图、照片,甚至学生笔记的摘录。

Published by MoMA just five years after the closure of the Bauhaus in 1933, this book gives a insight into the curricular organisation of the interdisciplinary art school from Herbert Bayer, one of its teachers.

Offering details on everything from the furniture and typography workshops to and the courses taught by artists like Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky, the book also includes numerous sketches, photographs, and even excerpts from student notes.

《Form and Light: From Bauhaus to Tel Aviv》/ Yigal Gawze

Yigal Gawze的摄影书并不只关注于德国的包豪斯,该书重点关注了特拉维夫白城,这是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,这里有着包豪斯运动保存得最好的建筑。


Moving away from Bauhaus' German roots, Yigal Gawze's photography book focuses on Tel Aviv's White City – a UNESCO World Heritage site which boasts some of the movement's best-preserved architecture.

The hardcover publication has 100 colour images that each show how the structures look now in a modern urban setting, and the way they interact with the Israeli city's dazzling natural light.

《Bauhaus Women: Art, Handicraft, Design》/ Ulrike Muller

Ulrike Muller的书展示了对包豪斯产生巨大影响的20位女性的作品,但在当时却基本上没有得到认可。

这本书展示了学校的女建筑师、摄影师、画家、设计师和雕塑家,其中有Anni Albers这样多产的人物,以及不太知名的艺术家,如学校纺织车间主任Helene Borner。

Ulrike Muller's title shines a light on the work of 20 women who heavily influenced Bauhaus, yet at the time went largely unrecognised.

Showcasing the school's female architects, photographers, painters, designers, and sculptors, the book includes prolific figures such as Anni Albers, as well as lesser known artists like Helene Borner, who headed up the school's textile workshop.

《Gropius》/ Gilbert Lupfer and Paul Sigel

这本书由Taschen Hones出版,书上讲述了包豪斯创始人格罗皮乌斯生活、工作和持久影响,书上按时间撰写了他的20个主要项目,包括德国德绍的包豪斯之家、哈佛大学研究生中心,还有他对芝加哥论坛报大厦的设计方案。


This book published by Taschen hones in on the life, work, and lasting influence of Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius, chronologically exploring 20 of his major projects including the Bauhaus' home in Dessau, Harvard University Graduate Center and his proposal for the Chicago Tribune Tower.

Looking beyond his role as the founder of the school, the book explores how Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe pioneered the International Style architectural movement.


Albers基金会主任Nicholas Fox Weber从他个人观点描述了包豪斯,书内讲述了Anni和Josef Albers夫妇给他讲的故事。这对夫妇受人尊敬,曾在包豪斯学校学习并执教。


The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism by Nicholas Fox Weber

Albers Foundation director Nicholas Fox Weber offers a personal insight into Bauhaus with this title, which relates stories he was told by Anni and Josef Albers – the revered married couple who studied and taught at the school.

Written in biographic style, the book explains the group's unswerving focus on creating art and architecture.

《Cape Cod Modern》/ Peter McMahon and Christine Cipriani

在对包豪斯做了更广泛的解读之后,《Cape Cod Modern》这本摄影著作把读者带到Cape Cod,1937年夏天,格罗皮乌斯和他的妻子接待了几位运动大师,如Marcel Breuer、László Moholy-Nagy和Bayer。


For those after some wider reading on Bauhaus, this photography book takes readers to Cape Cod, where Walter Gropius and his wife Ise hosted several of the movement's masters like Marcel Breuer, László Moholy-Nagy, and Bayer during the summer of 1937.

As members of the design school returned to the American fishing town over the years to build their own holiday homes, the title tracks how the unassuming destination eventually became a hotbed of modern architecture.

《Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago》/ Hans M Wingler

《Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago》一书最初出版于1978年,该书是设计学校广泛的使用的课本。书内搜集了各个方面的资料,从包豪斯宣言,到德国政府文件和私人信件,它让读者全面了解了包豪斯运动及其背景。


Originally published in 1978, Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, Berlin, Chicago is regarded as one of the most extensive texts on the design school. Pulling from a diverse range of sources – from manifestos, to German government documents and private letters – it gives readers a thorough insight into the movement and its surrounding context.

Visuals include architectural plans, paintings, product models and formal portraits of Bauhaus' key figures.

《Anni Albers》/ Ann Coxon

本书的重点为挂件、印刷品、珠宝和图纸,主要是纪念Anni Albers,这是20世纪纺织艺术和设计中最具影响力的人物。


Wall hangings, prints, jewellery, and drawings are the focus of this book, which celebrates Anni Albers as one of the most influential figures of 20th-century textile art and design.

Showcasing works from her time at the Bauhaus and years spent at the experimental Black Mountain College, the title also includes essays from international experts that discuss the wider context and themes influencing Albers' work.

《The Bauhaus Idea and Bauhaus Politics》/ éva Forgács



Forgács forgoes examining the architecture or design products to emerge from the Bauhaus, and instead looks at the political climate surrounding the school during its most prolific period.

Covering everything from the Weimar Republic to Gropius' departure as director, the recently-revised book now also includes a chapter discussing the movement's impact on Russia.

《Bauhaus Architecture 1919-1933》/ Hans Engels

该书包括120多幅彩色图像,摄影师Hans Engels 拍摄了巴塞罗纳、布拉格、布达佩斯和维也纳等欧洲城市中尚存的包豪斯建筑。


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