
陌沫之魂 2024-07-13 21:04:11

1. 崇山峻岭云深处,枫叶红于二月花。

Amidst towering peaks where clouds dwell deep, maple leaves glow redder than the blooms of February.

2. 古道西风瘦马行,山间枫叶舞秋风。

Along the ancient path where the west wind blows, the maple leaves dance in the autumn breeze with the thin horse.

3. 灰色调中藏古韵,枫叶如火映山川。

In the gray tones, ancient charm is hidden, with fiery maple leaves reflecting upon the mountains and rivers.

4. 云雾缭绕山间路,游人步步入画中。

Clouds and mist enshroud the mountain paths, where every step of the traveler is like entering a painting.

5. 古木参天枫叶落,秋风送爽入云端。

Ancient trees tower high with falling maple leaves, as the autumn wind brings a refreshing chill to the clouds.

6. 石径斜通云雾里,枫叶红透半山腰。

The slanting stone path leads into the mist, where the red maple leaves permeate halfway up the mountain.

7. 游人踏歌行古道,枫叶如霞满山岗。

Travelers sing as they tread the ancient path, with maple leaves like rosy clouds covering the mountain ridges.

8. 云雾缭绕隐仙踪,枫叶红时最动人。

Clouds and mist veil the traces of immortals, and the red maple leaves are most touching when they bloom.

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简介:我自横刀向天笑 去留肝胆两昆仑