
专筑网 2021-02-24 15:24:41

印度尼西亚编织住宅Weave House / Wahana Architects由专筑网Cortana,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:请试想一个问题:“在喧嚣的雅加达城市中,每一个家庭都有繁忙而密集的活动,当人们回到家时,如何让他们能够在优质、温暖、私密、美好的空间中感受彼此呢?”Text description provided by the architects. Starting from a question “How do you make a family, each of which already has a busy and fairly dense activity in the midst of the hustle bustle of the city of Jakarta, when they come home they can experience bonding each other in a quality, warm, intimate space, and beautiful?”

该住宅占地435平方米,毗邻一栋建筑面积为1020平方米的三层住宅,对面同样也是几栋三层建筑。现有的位置并没有很大的空间来处理内外环境之间的关系,因此,建筑师需要找到一种方法,通过大量探索,形成一个看似"内敛"的新空间。但是,在屋顶区域,有一个可利用的场地,在那里可以看到城市的天际线和建筑迷人的灯光。因此,建筑师针对这一区域进行了进一步设计,使住户能够拥有额外的活动空间。This residence is located on an area of 435 sqm which is surrounded by a relatively high building reaching three floors with a building area 1020 sqm which is flanked and facing other dwellings as high as three floors. The location seen does not have a great potential to be processed between the relationship between inside and outside environment. Therefore, an idea is needed to form a new space that seem “introverted” through mass exploration in such a way. However, in the rooftop area, there is a potential site with a slight view showing the city skyline and the building’s charming lighting. Therefore, afterwards there is a design development in this area so the residents have additional space to enjoy activities in the house.

针对这种情况,建筑师设计了独特的建筑外立面,结合美学,在保护隐私的同时维护居民的安全。透明的立面保证室内空间足够的私密性来对抗外部空间,同时需要用生动灵活的建筑立面来柔和整个建筑体量,避免太过死板的形象。所以建筑师决定使用当地的材料,即合成网布,它具有轻质材料的特点,有巨大的潜力可供开发。Facing the context of this location, we implement a unique building façade that combines aesthetics while creating privacy as to maintain the safety of the residents of the house. A slightly transparent façade is needed to provide an adequate dose of privacy in the inner space against the outer space. It takes a façade idea that is not too rigid, there is an informal impression to soften the mass of the building. So we decided to use a local material, namely synthetic webbing which has a light material character and has enormous potential to be explored.

网状物包裹在建筑的二层和三层,使其看起来像是封闭的,但是光线仍可通过缝隙进入室内。从建筑的正面看可以看到类似于用激光切割金属形成的编织图案围栏。整体建筑的外观给人的印象并不像现代住宅看起那样僵硬死板,这一点也延续到了住宅的内部,为居民营造了一种家的感觉。The webbing that cover the second and third floors of the house seem closed from the outside but still create light into the house through the lattice. Accompanying the front view is a fence that is patterned to resemble woven with laser cut metal material. The exterior of this building has an impression that is far from rigid which is often juxtaposed with the image of a modern house. This continues in the interior of the house that projects a homey impression for the residents.

这个住宅的设计概念是在建筑的中间创造一个核心区域作为连接各个空间的轴线。中心是一个游泳池,周围是客厅、餐厅、卧室等其他功能空间,如此一来便使空间与自然或外部环境有了联系,而不仅仅是一个封闭的建筑体。The concept of this house creates a center or core in the middle of the house as the axis connecting the spaces in the house. The center is a pool area surrounded by a mass of buildings containing a family room, dining room, bedroom and others. As if making the house have connection with nature or the outside environment as opposed to the closed impression of the house.

建筑师偏好流动的空间,一个空间和另一个空间之间总是有互动和连续性。总体来说这个设计看起来符合客户的特点,简约又不失现代感。在这个设计项目中,最主要的是建筑的造型,这是建筑师对于材料不断探究,对于空间不断探索而获得的成果。We like continuous space fluid flow, there is always interaction and continuity between one space and another. Overall this design looks to the client’s character, simple and like a touch of modern style. So the main point in this design project is the shape of the building which is the result of exploration of synthetic woven materials, as well as exploration and how to fill the space for this building.

建筑设计:Wahana Architects类型:住宅面积:435 m2时间:2020年摄影:Cendana M Putra制造商:AutoDesk, Lumion, AGC, Grohe, Adobe, Jayaboard, Karya Mandiri Marmer, Roman Granite, Solitex, Trimble Navigation主创建筑师:Rudy Kelana设计团队:Ruth Connie Rajagukguk施工方:Wahana Cipta Selaras室内设计:Indesign Interior灯光设计:SolutioN – Lighting & Controller结构设计:Ricky Theo Design城市:Jakarta国家:印度尼西亚

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