
专筑网 2020-03-28 23:15:55

荷兰Anne Frank之家博物馆咖啡厅

Anne Frank House Museum Cafe / Namelok

来自建筑事务所的描述。匆忙和反思是贯穿于Namelok在Anne Frank之家博物馆咖啡厅整个设计中的两个相互矛盾的重要元素。当然,这些灵感来自该地区的历史特征,特别是战后时期,对快速改善的渴望与纯粹的亲密关系形成了鲜明的对比。这种悖论不仅充当了核心设计理念,而且还引导了Anne Frank之家的客人。

Text description provided by the architects. Rush and reflection are the two contradictory vital elements on which Namelok has based the entire design of the museum cafe in the Anne Frank House. Of course, we were inspired by the place's history: especially the postwar period in which the desire for rapid improvement was in contrast to the pure fellowship. This paradox has not only functioned as our core design concept, but also in facilitating the visitors of the Anne Frank House.

研究表明,Anne Frank之家的客人一方面体验了从历史感到现代感的突然转变,另一方面,他们会对“秘密附件”带来的影响做出适当的反应。9米长的酒吧柜台是咖啡馆的多功能区,在房间中央整齐排列。在酒吧的前区,气氛是动态的,匆忙的客人们可以在这里购买一些产品,然后回到市中心的喧嚣中。而酒吧的后侧则更加安静,客人在这里可以欣赏西教堂的景色,坐在风格各异的家具上放松身心。休息室座位与餐桌和长椅交替放置,可满足不同客人的需要。

Our research showed that visitors of the Anne Frank House experience a sudden transition from history to the present on the one hand, while on the other, they feel the need to reflect on the impact of 'the secret annexe'. The large 9-meter long bar is a multifunctional object in the middle of the cafe, aligned with the row of columns in the middle of the room. In front of the bar, the atmosphere is dynamic – here, rushed visitors have the opportunity to buy some to-go products before they get back into the hustle and bustle of the center of Amsterdam. The backside of the bar is much quieter – visitors can enjoy the view of the Westerkerk, relax, and take a seat on various types of furniture. Lounge seats alternate with dining tables and wall benches to accommodate all visitors.

柔和的设计风格符合Anne Frank之家的历史。但是,这并不意味着设计不能表现新颖的特点。精心组装的灰色和绿色水磨石连接了不同的元素,约一米长的石材柜台和独特的深绿色水磨石铸件,还有灰色的荷兰河石。水磨石延伸到地板表面,然后与另一种材质交接——带有绿色大理石碎纹的灰色混凝土地面。大面积的暖橡木和不同质地的织物使材料的拼贴变得更加完整。在战后物资稀缺的时期,人们曾以多种不同的方式使用天然纺织品。整体室内质感具有温暖的感受和家庭的氛围,而这些特点都以设计的方式巧妙地传达了出来。

The subdued design fits in the story of the Anne Frank House. However, that does not mean that the design can't be something special. Layers of carefully assembled grey and green terrazzo that connect the different elements make up the design. The meters long stone front of the display bar features a unique casting of dark green terrazzo enriched with grey Dutch river stones. This terrazzo extends into the floor surface, but then changes to an inverted alternative: green marbles in a gray concrete base. The application of a lot of large areas of warm oak and different fabric textures completes the collage of materials. The natural textiles were used in many different ways in the post-war period when scarcity arose. The textures have a warm and domestic feel and subtly communicate this within the design.

在对阿姆斯特丹犹太人战后时期的研究中,建筑师使用了美国摄影师Leonard Freed拍摄的“阿姆斯特丹的犹太人”系列照片。他的照片记录了大量的文献资料和丰富的故事,为该项目提供了广阔的历史背景和更深层次的意义。最后建筑师们意识到,Freed的照片唤起了具有前瞻性的社区形象,包含了另一个没有向外界展示的现实,那是一个仍旧弥漫着战争的悲伤和压抑记忆的无形情感世界,而这种感受将在很多年以后以另一种形式体现。

In our research into the post-war period of the Jewish history in Amsterdam, we used the photos from the series 'Jews of Amsterdam' by the American photographer Leonard Freed. His photos yielded an enormous amount of documentation and a wealth of stories, which have given the project a broad historical context and deeper meaning. As a result, we realized that the image of the future-looking community, that Freed's photos evoke, contained yet another reality that did not show itself to the outside world: that of the invisible emotional world of still-worn sorrow and the suppressed memories of war, which would only be discussed many years after.


Besides the museum cafe, in 2018, the museum has been thoroughly modified to the design of BiermanHenket. Our design for the museum cafe has been part of this transformation.






摄影:Maarten Willemstein


首席建筑师:Wiegert Ambagts, Kaj van Boheemen

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