
专筑网 2019-06-09 23:38:37

Populist 餐厅

Populist Restaurant / Yoo Architecture + Lagranja Design

来自建筑事务所的描述:2016年,由巴塞罗那Lagrania设计事务所设计的Populist餐厅在土耳其伊斯坦布尔博蒙蒂开业。近期,他们的第二家分店在Bebek开业,YOO建筑事务所承担了装修部分,项目有三层楼,面积约1050平方米,要求在6个月内完工。这家餐厅和Angie Bebek在同一栋建筑里,Angie Bebek也是由YOO建筑事务所设计,是一个健身俱乐部。

Text description provided by the architects. In 2016, The Populist restaurant that is designed by the Barcelona based Lagrania Design opened its doors in Bomonti. Their second branch recently opened in Bebek with YOO Architecture undertaking the Fit Out project, that consists of three floors, approximately 1050 sqm and completed in 6 months. The restaurant is also in the same building as Angie Bebek, another fit out project by YOO Architecture.


The building tanks of Populist's general design concept have been recreated specifically for this project. To form an industrial design concept; building tanks, metals and pipes were used in different places; creating an overall atmosphere.

“Dream Machine”是特殊的设计装置,它位于画廊空间的天花板上,是由金属和半透明水箱组成,“Dream Machine”可以创造出无穷无尽的效果,附加在水槽上的特殊照明管道也强调了这种设计语言,这些管道有自动照明系统,可以在不同的使用条件和天气条件的情景下改变照明方式。

“Dream Machine”, a special design that is located by the ceiling on top of the gallery space is created with metal and semi-permeable tanks that were cut in half. While the “ dream Machine” creates a endless effect, special illuminated pipes that are attached to the tanks strengthens the design language. These pipelines have an automation system for lighting to change them for different usage and weather conditions scenarios.


Due to the night life district and night clubs (Angie) in the same building as the Populist is located; the acoustical design of the venue is especially studied during design stages. Acoustic paints on the ceilings, perforated acoustic panels on the walls and fireproof velvet curtains are used for quality sound control.

建筑设计:Lagranja Design, Yoo Architecture





照片摄影:Ömer Uzun

制造商:Ares, Reggiani, iGuzzini

总承包商:Yoo Architecture

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