
专筑网 2021-03-17 16:10:28

Octavia House / PPAA Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados由专筑网沈17,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。OCTAVIA住宅的设计初衷来自于将OCTAVIA品牌价值转变为生活空间的意图,包含了自然性、极简性、清晰感以及诚实感的价值,这些理念融入了建筑空间,使用者可以在墨西哥城拥有非比寻常的居住体验。Text description provided by the architects. CASA OCTAVIA arises from the intention of transferring the values of the OCTAVIA brand to a living space. Values as natural, simple, clear and honest are taken into an architectural space where the user can live a unique accommodation experience in Mexico City.

它位于城内最友善片区Condesa街区的一条人行道边上,项目寻求回应街区的现状,并且利用城市和社会角色进行连接。Located in the Condesa neighborhood, one of the most consolidated and pedestrian – friendly urban areas of the city, the project seeks to respond to this neighborhood condition and join as another project with this urban and social character.

在城市界面上,特别是对行人而言,这是一种对城市开放的元素,地面层的空间十分自由,扮演着促进城市和来宾交往的公共角色。At urban level is conceived as an element that opens up to the city and especially to the pedestrian, leaving the ground floor space free and with public character promoting enconunters between city and the guests.

公共空间有多种配置以及可控的开口,这里是街道的延伸,也有着举办不同主题活动的空间,使用者可以在这里喝咖啡、就餐,或者会面交流。This public space has multiple configurations and controlled openings, from a extension of the street to a more defined space where they can host different schemes, from having a coffe and breakfast to becoming a store or simply a meeting place.

项目的一个重要组成部分是采取侧露台形式的挖空空间,方便了和外部视线上的交流。另一方面,墙及地板上建筑元素的材质进一步强调了建筑的留白。An important part of the project is the empty space that takes the form of a side patio and that visually communicates with the outside. The built element in the other hand provides with textures in walls and floors emphasizes architecture with emptiness.

房间分布在两个区块,其中位于后部的房间开敞的方向朝向露台,而位于前部的房间面对街道,木制百叶窗不仅保障了临街的隐私,也打造了光影效果,并防止房间受到暴晒。The rooms are located in two blocks, one of them in them back part open to the patio and the other in the front part facing to the street with a wooden lattice filter that in besides providing privicy to the sreet, creates a play of light and shade and protects from the sun light.

每个房间都有自己的特点。最大的房间位于地面层,这里有卧室以及社交活动的空间,或者在同一个房间布置第二张床。面对街道的房间则拥有自己的阳台,面对着内部露台。Each room has it's own character. Leaving the largest one at ground floor, which in addition to the bedroom has a space that can be use for social activities or a second bed in the same room. Rooms facing the street have their own balcony facing the interior patio.

屋面的设想是一处远离城市的公共区域。这是一个和环境的关系、对邻居的视线更可控的场所,且被自然环绕着。The roof was thought as a public place away for direct contact with the city. A place with a more controlled relationship with the surrounding, controlled views of the neighborhoof and surrounded by nature.

OCTAVIA这个项目对细节以及每个使用者的特殊需求都有特别的考量。Like and OCTAVIA , the project has a special care for the details and for specifics need of each users.

只使用最纯净状态的材料,凭借精湛的制造工艺,设计者创造了和谐且永恒的作品。Using only materials in their purest state, with an exquisite manufacturing they make it not only feel harmonious but at the same time timeless.

建筑设计:PPAA Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados类型:住宅面积:340 ㎡年份:2020年摄影:Maureen M. Evans, Luis Garvan, Luis Young设计团队:Pablo Pérez Palacios, Miguel Vargas, Jorge Quiroga, Hermann Tamayo城市:墨西哥国家:墨西哥

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