
专筑网 2018-11-07 23:13:56

Tiburon Bay View / Walker Warner Architects


Text description provided by the architects. The Tiburon Bay View residence is aic and inspiring abode that embodies the contemporary through its clean lines and modern designs. Nestled on an east facing bluff of the Tiburon Peninsula, the two-story home looks out onto the San Francisco Bay while the west side of the property provides a natural buffer from the road and neighboring houses. The secluded home was crafted to accommodate visiting friends and a multi-generational family environment, offering a harmonious balance between private spaces to relax and retreat and public spaces for entertaining and communal activities.

Walker Warner 建筑事务所排除了独立建筑的方案,利用整个场地来展开复合的建筑创作。为了最大限度地利用酒店周围的自然美景和植被,建筑师运用能够融入梯田景观的“水平式”建筑。深悬挑进一步减小了结构的高度,有助于拉长其水平形状,而不对称的窗户和门的布置则突出了建筑的现代性,并在统一的屋顶下创造一种独特的韵律感。独特的设计源于客户对艺术的欣赏,并将其转化为大胆的建筑元素,通过意想不到的空间传达惊喜。虽然该酒店坐落在陡峭的斜坡上,但建筑师创造了一个亲切的、吸引人的的入口,并完成了从室内到室外所有主要生活空间的流畅连接。主入口位于半层的位置,配有宽阔的楼梯、下沉式花园和引人注目的红色大门,可将客人引导到酒店入口处。

Walker Warner Architects utilized the entire site to develop the feeling of a compound rather than a stand-alone building. In order to maximize the natural beauty and foliage surrounding the property, the firm implemented “horizontal” architecture that integrates into the terraced landscape. Deep overhangs further minimize the structure’s height and help elongate its horizontal shape, while asymmetrical window and door arrangements highlight the modern aspects of the residence and provide a rhythm underneath the unifying roof. The unique design of the residence derives from the client’s appreciation for art, translating into bold architectural components that convey the element of surprise through unexpected spaces. Although the property sits on a steep slope, the firm was able to create a gracious and inviting entry, as well as fluid indoor to outdoor connections from all main living spaces. The main entrance sits a half-level below the upper and is complete with broad stairs, a sunken garden and compelling red door to draw guests into the entryway.


Unconventionally, the upper level includes an auto court and family entrance, while all living spaces expand the bottom floor and flow easily out to the pool and lawn. Various spaces also include a family room, guest sitting room in the guest wing, living and dining rooms for formal entertaining, and a great room for casual family entertaining.

建筑事务所:Walker Warner Architects

位置:美国 马林郡

首席建筑师:Brooks Walker

项目经理:Anne Griffes

室内设计:Nicole Hollis


摄影:Laure Joliet

制造商:Fleetwood, Thermador, Lutron Homeworks


景观建筑设计:SCDA & Strata Landscape Architecture

建造商:Van Acker Construction

照明设计:Eric Johnson Associates

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