
专筑网 2021-03-05 14:47:15

Fuzl Studio设计了Originals系列组装家具Fuzl Studio designs Originals range of clip-together furniture由专筑网Cortana,小R编译伦敦Fuzl工作室设计了一系列由桦木胶合板和金属紧固夹连接的平板家具。Originals系列包括椅子、凳子、长凳和三张桌子,板材依靠商业包装行业所用重型钢夹固定在一起。Dezeen Showroom: London designer Fuzl Studio has developed a range of flat-pack furniture consisting of birch-plywood panels that clip together with metal fasteners.The Originals range includes a chair, stool, bench and three tables that rely on heavy-duty steel clips from the commercial packaging industry to hold them together.

由制造商Clip-Lok SimPak开发,这些QIK钢夹通常用于将胶合板运输箱固定在一起,以便在世界各地运输易碎货物。但在这个设计中,这些钢夹可以将家具零件快速组装、拆卸和维修。Developed by manufacturer Clip-Lok SimPak, these QIK clips are normally used to hold together plywood shipping crates to transport fragile goods around the world.But in this case, they allow furniture to be quickly assembled, disassembled and repaired by clipping on replacement pieces.

该系列的板条椅共使用了六个钢夹,椅子的每条腿都有一个夹子固定在框架上,椅背两侧也各有一个。同时,Rotable有一个Z形的底座,可以翻转,将其从茶几变成书桌,并使用四个钢夹固定。The collection's slatted chair uses six clips in total – one to fix each leg to the frame and one on either side of the backrest.Meanwhile, the Rotable has a Z-shaped base that can be flipped to turn it from a coffee table into a desk and secured in place using four clips.

根据Fuzl工作室创始人Oliver Theobald的阐述,该系列的目的是要让平装家具脱离“廉价”、“不受欢迎”、“短期”和“废弃”这样的关键词。“如果可以成功,我觉得仅仅通过组装平板的方式,可以从一开始便以某种方式启发你与一个事物的联系。”他说。“当代平装家具不被重视,是因为组装过程对大多数人来说很辛苦,很茫然,最重要的是板材接口部分处理得并不好。”“当有一个可以让你雇人组装家具的平台存在时,很显然,平板组装已经出了很大的问题。”他继续说道。According to Fuzl Studio founder Oliver Theobald, the aim of the range is to move flat-pack furniture away from its current associations with being "cheap, undesirable, short-term and throw-away"."If done right, I think flat-pack somehow sparks and initiates your connection with a thing from the get-go, simply by the making of it," he told Dezeen."Contemporary flat-pack furniture sadly rarely becomes cherished because the assembly process is hard and bamboozling for most, then on top of that, it does not wear its bruises well.""In the very existence of a platform that lets you hire people to put up your furniture, it's clear that something has gone very wrong with flat-pack," he continued.

通过使用钢夹系统,工作室希望可以创造出更耐用的产品,可以有更简洁的装配过程,经受住时间的考验,防止过早报废。“QIK钢夹是为了应对不适宜的工业暴力而制造的,它们需要承受叉车、数吨的动态力和可怕的跌落测试。因此,我们可以非常非常肯定固定装置的强度。”Theobald说。“因为钢夹处于弹簧张力之下,即使你把椅子扔下楼梯,给连接处施加压力,钢夹也会承担木头的应力压缩。这意味着你的椅子或桌子不需要拧紧它、更换木钉或重新粘合就可以保持稳定和坚固。”By using the clipping system the studio hopes to facilitate a more convenient assembly process and prevent premature obsolescence by creating a more durable final piece that is able to stand the test of time."The QIK Clip is made to cope with un-holy levels of industrial abuse, they need to withstand forklift trucks, tonnes of dynamic forces and horrible drop tests. So we can be very, very sure of the strength of the fixing," said Theobald."Because the clips are under spring tension, even if you throw a chair down the stairs and you stress the joint, the clip will take up the stress-compression in the wood. This means that your chair or table will remain stable and sturdy without the need to tighten it up or replace the dowels or re-glue them."

通过延长产品的生命周期,Theobald最终希望能减轻其对环境的影响。这也是为什么他从欧洲可持续管理的森林中采购桦木胶合板的原因,同时最后的产品并非用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料包装,而是用可折叠的回收纸板包装。产品共分四种颜色,焦橙色、橄榄绿,以及中性的黑色和乳白色,这些颜料都是从富含色素的亚麻籽油中提取出来的,因此不含传统涂料中常见的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)。漆面形成了半透明的涂层,凸显了木材的天然纹理,并保持了它的触感。By extending the lifecycle of the products, Theobald ultimately hopes to mitigate their environmental impact.That's also why he sources the birch plywood from sustainably managed forests in Europe as well as packaging the final pieces not in polystyrene foam but in recycled cardboard that is folded like origami.The colours, which range from burnt orange to olive green and neutral shades of black and cream, are derived from linseed oil that is enriched with pigments and consequently free of the volatile organic compounds (VOC) that are often found in traditional paint finishes.This creates a semi-transparent finish that plays up the wood's natural grain and preserves its tactility.

QIK钢夹没有被隐藏起来,而是被展示出来,并与家具的木质框架形成对比,营造出一种独特的工业质感。“尤其是Originals系列的座椅,将钢夹穿在前部,非常夺目。”Theobald说。“因而我们早期的作品具有非常分裂的效果。它确实让我们的家具与众不同,并引发了不同的意见,但令人高兴的是,无论哪种方式,它都引发了强烈的感觉。”Rather than being hidden, the QIK Clips are prominently displayed and contrasted with the furniture's wooden frame to create a distinct, industrial appeal."In particular, the seats in the Originals range wear the clips on their breasts, really in your face," said Theobald."Consequently our earlier pieces have a very divisive effect – Marmitey perhaps. It does make our furniture stand out and splits opinion but happily, it generates really strong feelings either way."

平装家具企业宜家此前开发了一种名为楔形镙钉的新型接头,可以让家具“像拼图一样”扣在一起。但几年过去了,它的很多部件仍然需要螺母、螺栓和内六角扳手才能组装起来。西班牙设计师Maria Roca和Erika Biarnes采用了不同的方法,开发了一种夹式腿部模块,几乎可以让任何平面构件变成家具

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