
专筑网 2019-03-10 23:59:02


Foster + Partners use trees as partitions inside Thailand’s first Apple store

Foster + Partners事务所使用当地树木和木制工作台打造了这座位于泰国ICONSIAM购物中心内的苹果分店,这是苹果公司在泰国开设的首家分店。



Indigenous trees and wooden workbenches line the inside of Apple Iconsiam in Bangkok, the first Apple Store to open in Thailand, designed by Foster + Partners.

The store forms part of the new Iconsiam shopping complex that opened in November.

Fronted by two expansive glass facades, it is designed as an extension of the plant-filled plaza it sits on and offers views over the Chao Phraya River.

Foster + Partners事务所表示:“该设计从视觉上将商店与河流联系在一起,这在泰国文化中具有特殊意义。”



"The design provides a direct visual connection to the river, which has a special significance in Thai culture," said Foster + Partners.

"Glass surfaces accentuate the natural beauty of its surroundings while creating an open, airy atmosphere that blurs the boundaries between interior and exterior."

A large overhanging roof lined with timber panels is supported by just four columns, creating the spacious, open-plan interior typical of Apple Stores.

球状花盆中种着着成排的本地乔木,它们送三地分布在开放式的空间中,该设计由Foster + Partners事务所构思,作为室外广场上茂密制备的延续。




Loose partitions in the open-plan space are defined by rows of local trees planted in bulbous pots, designed by Foster + Partners to act as a continuation of the greenery on the plaza outside.

The divisions created by the trees are subtly differentiated with a mix of light, wooden workbenches and stools that double as help stations and product displays.

Central to the space is a workshop area, defined by a set of moveable cube-shaped stools that double as storage. These can be neatly assembled behind the screen when not in use.

There is also a roof garden on the top of the building that provides another viewpoint and activity space for the tech store.

Foster + Partners事务所设计了所有最新的苹果商店。Iconsiam苹果商店并不是第一家使用植物点缀商店的公司。

在伦敦摄政街(Regent Street)商店最近的一次翻修中,设计师引入了可折叠成座椅的植满树木的花盆,而最近在中国澳门完工的商店则使用了穿过中庭的竹笋。

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