
专筑网 2019-04-18 23:52:55


SOM designs inflatable Moon Village to be first-ever lunar habitat



“这个项目提出了完整的建筑设计方案,致力于解决场地环境对人类生存的巨大挑战。”SOM设计合作者Colin Koop说。


Architect firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has unveiled a proposal for a permanent community on the moon, comprising inflating pods that balloon up to accommodate more inhabitants as the population grows.

SOM teamed up with the European Space Agency (ESA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to design Moon Village as "the first permanent human settlement on the lunar surface".

"The project presents a completely new challenge for the field of architectural design," said SOM design partner Colin Koop in a project statement.

Unveiled 9 April 2019, the proposal aims to resolve a number of complications associated with living on the planet. Resiliency, self-sufficiency and use of the moon's existing resources are among the key aims.

月球村有许多充气连接点/Moon Village comprises a collection of connected, inflatable pods



月球村位于Shackleton Crater陨石坑的边缘,靠近月球的南极,可全年接收连续的日光。



建筑在三层到四层之间,模块可以充气和扩展,确保未来对于生存空间增长式需求。 每个建筑模块都装在保护壳内,使其能抵抗极端温度、抛射物、灰尘和太阳辐射。

"The Moon Village must be able to sustain human life in an otherwise uninhabitable setting," said Koop. "We have to consider problems that no one would think about on Earth, like radiation protection, pressure differentials, and how to provide breathable air."

The cross-disciplinary teams drew on their range of experience for the project. As masterplanner, SOM oversaw architecture, engineering, urban planning, and sustainable design. ESA provided expertise from the European Astronaut Centre and the European Space Research and Technology Centre, and MIT involved the faculty's aerospace engineering department.

Moon Village is envisioned for the rim of Shackleton Crater, near to the moon's South Pole, which receives continuous daylight throughout the lunar year.

Infrastructure and habitable structures are intended to allow the community to harness sunlight for energy.

Populating the village are a series of inflatable, pressurised pods that would house workspaces, residences, environmental control and life support systems.

Rising between three and four storeys high, the modules could inflate and expand to increase living space for future growth. Each is encased in protective shells to make them resistant to extreme temperatures, projectiles, dust and solar radiation.

该社区计划位于靠近月球南极的Shackleton Crater/The community is planned for Shackleton Crater, near to the moon's South Pole







Other plans are for in-situ resource utilisation (ISRU), a term developed by America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for generating products using the nearby natural resources.

A key resource on the moon is water, which is located in shadowed depressions near the South Pole as ice deposits. In Moon Village, this water would be extracted to create breathable air, as well as working as a rocket propellant for transportation and for the support of industrial activities.

Structures within SOM's Moon Village would be arranged in settlements, clustered close to the crater's water supply, and feature connections for movement between them.

Communications towers are also planned and placed on the highest ridges of the terrain.

SOM's proposal is part of a growing interest in developing the moon. In 2017, British firm Foster + Partners unveiled a proposal to 3D print buildings on the astronomical body. More recently, a collection of projects visualised life on the moon for the competition Moontopia.

Moon Village fits into ESA's future exploration plans, as well as the NASA's strategic plan to "extend human presence deeper into space and to the moon for sustainable long- term exploration and utilisation."

建筑模块采用保护壳封装,可抵抗极端温度、抛射物、灰尘和太阳辐射/Modules are encased in protective shells to make them resistant to extreme temperatures, projectiles, dust and solar radiation

除了月球上的项目之外,其它设计师早已将目光投向了其他行星和宇宙空间。 例如, Philippe Starck为私人勘探公司Axiom Space的空间站设计了探测人员居住模块。


Elon Musk的SpaceX也为火星上的人类生活铺平了道路,它属于美国私人航空航天制造商,致力于降低太空运输成本,并致力于发展行星上的生命。它还为火星旅行者推出了一套西装。

今年早些时候,有消息称中国正计划在火星建设一座太阳能发电站,而另一家私人太空殖民公司Mars One已宣布破产。

图片版权:Slashcube GmbH

In addition to projects on the moon, other proposals look to planets or space at-large. For example, Philippe Starck designed a habitation module for individuals on expeditions, for a space station by privately-owned exploration company Axiom Space.

For Mars in particular, NASA selected winners for a competition to design a 3D-printed habitat on the fourth planet from the sun.

Elon Musk's SpaceX is also paving the way for human life on Mars, and the private American aerospace manufacturer is focused on reducing space transportation costs and on developing life on the planet. It also unveiled a suit for Mars travellers.

Earlier this year, news was released that China is planning a solar power station, while Mars One – another private space colonisation company – has declared bankruptcy.

Images are courtesy of Slashcube GmbH.

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