
专筑网 2019-04-16 23:48:43


David Adjaye completes Ruby City art centre in Texas

David Adjaye 在美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥设计的当代艺术中心已经完成。从图片中人们可以欣赏这座充满棱角的砖红色建筑。

Ruby City项目是由Adjaye Associates事务所与当地公司Alamo Architects合作设计的艺术博物馆。


New photos of British architect David Adjaye's contemporary art centre in San Antonio, Texas, show that construction on the angular crimson building has completed.

Ruby City is a new art museum in the Texas city designed by Adjaye Associates in collaboration with local firm Alamo Architects.

The new photographs, released today, capture the 14,000 square feet (1300-square-metre) as its construction completes. The building is set to open to the public in October 2019.



Ruby City项目最早由已故慈善家、艺术家和艺术收藏家Linda Pace提出,她于2007年7月2号去世。建筑将会用于收藏Linda Pace基金会的藏品。

The images show that the faceted exterior is completely clad in the red-toned precast concrete panels that give the building its vibrant hue.

A close-up glimpse of these panels captures the aggregate of glass and mica that are intended to shimmer in the light. One of the crimson panels also pops open to reveal a window.

Ruby City was first imagined by philanthropist, artist and art collector the late Linda Pace, who passed away on 2 July 2007. The building will be home to the Linda Pace Foundation permanent collection.

建筑师Adjaye根据客户的想法,构思了这座位于150 Camp街区的建筑,它有着红色的外观,于2015年第一次亮相。



First unveiled in 2015, Ruby City at 150 Camp Street has a red exterior that architect Adjaye based on the patron's dream.

Pace saw a red building in her sleep and made a sketch of it, which she then presented to Adjaye.

"My goal was to translate Linda's idea into a building that will do justice to her legacy," said Adjaye in a project statement. "It is a tremendous responsibility, and one that is dear to my heart."



这里至少展出800件作品,其中有Olafur Eliasson、Thomas Demand、Teresita Fernadez 和 Antony Gormley的作品。


"Linda had a clear vision for how the institution should be an inspirational space for the community and interact with its surroundings, drawing visitors into the jewel-like structure while connecting to the San Antonio landscape," the British architect continued.

Other details, as shown in the photoset, include glazing that runs along the lower level. Two new interior shots reveal gallery spaces punctured by skylights in the building's jagged roofline.

Over 800 works will be presented in these galleries, including pieces by Olafur Eliasson, Thomas Demand, Teresita Fernadez and Antony Gormley.

Outside, the centre is accompanied by a grassy area wrapped by an oval pathway. A red cast-in-place concrete wall with a rock salt finish encloses the outdoor space.

花园的远处角落是NancyRubins设计的一座巨大的构筑物,名为“Sonny's Airplane Parts”。

现在的场地是一个于2005年开放的公园,用于纪念Pace死去的儿子Christopher Goldsbury。

Ruby City项目在一段时间后会放置艺术品,展馆将与今年下半年开放。

At the far corner of the garden is a massive structural design by Nancy Rubins, titled Sonny's Airplane Parts.

Completing the grounds is a lush park that opened in 2005 to commemorate Pace's late son, Christopher Goldsbury.

Ruby City will open to the public later this year, following off-gassing and the installation of art work.

Ruby City项目的施工始于2017年。当时,该建筑的建设预计将在一年完成,庆祝该市建市300年,并在2019年之前开放。


圣安东尼奥是德克萨斯州中南部的一座大城市。最近,Lake Flato和Matsys在此地设计了户外雕塑群。

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