
陌沫之魂 2024-07-09 23:39:41

1. 只要心中有海,哪里都是马尔代夫。

- As long as there is an ocean in the heart, everywhere is Maldives.

2. 我的钱都去哪了,怎么钱包比脸还干净?

- Where did all my money go? Why is my wallet cleaner than my face?

3. 我什么都能坚持,除了早起。

- I can persist in anything except getting up early.

4. 梦想就像WiFi信号,看不见但离不了。

- Dreams are like WiFi signals, invisible but indispensable.

5. 头痛不是因为智慧被偷,是因为昨晚的酒还没醒。

- My headache is not because my wisdom was stolen, but because the alcohol from last night hasn't worn off.

6. 再不运动就变球,什么颜色还没选好。

- If I don't exercise, I'll turn into a ball, but I haven't decided on the color yet.

7. 希望大家都减肥,这样我就显得更瘦了。

- I hope everyone loses weight, so I'll look even thinner.

8. 我将秘密藏在心底,心理医生却说,这里没保密协议。

- I hide my secrets deep in my heart, but the psychologist says there's no confidentiality agreement here.

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简介:我自横刀向天笑 去留肝胆两昆仑