
I hope the INDIA renaming to Bharat is FAKE news.我希望印度改名为巴拉特是假新闻。
If true, this would be the dumbest rename in history. Very anti-national. You may know that, but this is also Anti-Hindu and Anti-Hindi. Let me explain.In 1947, Pakistan had expected after partition the names of the countries would be Pakistan and Hindustan/Bharat. They took promise that this will be how it is done. But then they felt betrayed when India continued to use the name India and thus got all its legacy and achievements. This means it became like Pakistan sliced away from India and became a new country rather than one country getting divided into two. Jinaah had a lot of arguments and protests to force India to change the name to anything other than "India". This was one of the biggest successes of the Indian freedom fighters of that time to keep the same name. They did it after a lot of debate and discussions.1. 如果属实,这将是历史上最愚蠢的改名。非常地反民族。你们可能已经知道了这一点,但这也是反印度教和反印地语的。让我来解释一下。1947 年,巴基斯坦曾希望分治后的国家名称是巴基斯坦和印度斯坦/巴拉特。他们得到了这样做的承诺。但是,当印度继续使用“印度”这个国名,并因此获得了所有的遗产和成就时,他们感到被背叛了。这个名字意味着巴基斯坦是从印度分裂出去,成为了一个新的国家,而不是一个国家分裂成了两个。为了迫使印度将国名改为“印度”以外的名称,真纳进行了大量的争论和抗议。这是当时印度自由战士为保持国名不变而取得的最大成功之一。而他们是在经过大量的辩论和讨论后做到这一点的。
Even to this day, Pakistanis are pissed about the word "India" being used in a lot of places, including their history before 1947, the name of the ocean being the Indian Ocean, their country being referred to as part of the Indian subcontinent and they having to teach their kids that British or Mughals or Greeks Invaded India to loot its riches... It doesn't matter what an irrelevant country like Pakistan thinks. That is not the point, but we are losing all this clout. That is the point, No other country has an Ocean named after them.2. 时至今日,巴基斯坦人仍对很多地方使用“印度”一词耿耿于怀,包括他们在 1947 年之前的历史,海洋的名称是“印度洋”,他们的国家被称为“印度次大陆”的一部分,以及他们不得不教他们的孩子英国人、莫卧儿人或希腊人入侵印度掠夺财富......像巴基斯坦这样无关紧要的国家怎么想并不重要。这不是重点,但我们正在失去所有这些影响力。这才是重点,没有任何一个国家有以自己名字命名的海洋。
Even US recently changed the name of this region from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific to piss off China and include India in the larger narrative. It is never going to be Bhara-pacific. We are basically a continent masquerading as a country. Thus, we benefit from the entire region being named the same as our country name. Isn't this the true Akhand Bharath in disguise at play when everyone refers to the entire subcontinent as Indian?3. 就连美国最近也将这一地区的名称从亚太地区改为印太地区,以激怒中国,并将印度纳入更大的叙事范围。而这永远不会成为“巴拉特-太平洋”。我们基本上是一个伪装成国家的大陆。因此,整个地区的名称与我们的国名相同,这对我们有利。当每个人都把整个次大陆称为印度时,这不就是真正的“大巴拉特”在变相地实现了吗?
We would basically lose all our history. It would be like Pakistan, who is constantly in an identity crisis because they don't want to talk about anything before 1947 that has India in it. And, I do know that we have 7500 years of history with the Bharath name and only 2500 years of history with the India name, but that is not of consequence in today's world. What matters is the name of the last few hundred years, as that is what sticks in people's mind. Now, it would look like Bharat and Pakistan are new countries born after the partition of India similar to how Mughal rulers came, or Britishers came.4. 我们基本上会失去所有的历史。就像巴基斯坦一样,他们一直处于身份认同危机之中,因为他们不想谈论 1947 年之前任何与印度有关的事情。而且,我知道我们拥有 7500 年的巴拉特历史,只有 2500 年的印度历史,但这在当今世界并不重要。重要的是过去几百年的名称,因为这才是人们记忆中最深刻的。一旦改名,巴拉特将和巴基斯坦一样像是印度分治后诞生的新国家,就像莫卧儿王朝的统治者或英国人的到来一样。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
LOOK at PERSIA for example. They had lots of legends, myths and cultures all over the world in the name of Persia. The name was associated with a land of vast wealth, luxury and beauty. But their king insisted on renaming it to Iran a few decades ago and ended up losing all the legacy of Persia. Now most people don't even know Iran was Persia. It is like the end of thousands of years of legacy being lost for no benefit. And apparently, Perssia was a Greek given name, while Iran was their internal name like Bharath is to us. What benefit did they gain by losing the legends of Persia? Even till 1980s, Indians used to go to Persia for work similar to how they now go to Gulf. 5000 years of hard earned name gone in an instant. Now they are just another middle-eastern Islamic country.5. 以波斯为例。他们以波斯的名义在世界各地留下了许多传说、神话和文化。这个名字与一片富饶、奢华和美丽的土地联系在一起。但几十年前,他们的国王执意将其更名为伊朗,结果失去了波斯的所有遗产。现在,大多数人甚至不知道伊朗曾是波斯。几千年的遗产就这样白白流失了。是,波斯是希腊人起的名字,而伊朗则是他们的内部名称,就像我们的巴拉特一样。但是失去波斯的传说对他们有什么好处?甚至直到 20 世纪 80 年代,印度人还经常去波斯工作,就像他们现在去海湾一样。5000 年来之不易的名声瞬间荡然无存。现在,他们只是另一个中东伊斯兰国家。
You can no longer claim British colonization and its effects. British colonized India, not Bharat or Pakistan or Bangladesh. Their company was East India company. They were looking for a rich country called India, not Bharat.Future generations won't feel connected with the freedom fighters and heros of the past. It would be like they all lived in a different country. Like, how much do you feel connected to a Hero of Mughal Empire or Gupta Empire? You will surely feel something, but won't feel as if it was your own country. It will feel like reading history and not as if you are reading your own country's past.6. 你不能再声称英国殖民统治及其影响。英国殖民的是印度,而不是巴拉特、巴基斯坦或孟加拉国。他们的公司是东印度公司。他们寻找的是一个富裕的国家--印度,而不是巴拉特。7. 子孙后代与过去的自由战士和英雄们不会有任何联系。两者就像生活在两个不同的国家。比如,你对莫卧儿帝国或古普塔帝国的英雄有多少感情?你肯定会有所感触,但不会觉得那是你自己的国家。这种感觉就像是在阅读历史,而不是在阅读自己国家的过去。
India is a word that cannot be offensively pronounced by even the biggest racists. Foreigners have difficulty saying "h" so instead of "Bhaarath", they pronounce it as "Barat". Good luck explaining to them. Where are you from again? Ok Brat.Apart from legacy loss, renaming everything will be costly or often impossible. Like, Good luck changing the name of this sub to BharatSpeaks as it is impossible in Reddit to change name. Changing name of news papers who all will look outdated or odd like currently how "The Hindu" or "Hindustan times" feels. Air Bharat? Also there are a lot of standards that cannot be easily changed like our internet domain address ".in" or our currency "INR" and many ISO standards.8. 印度这个词,即使是最严重的种族主义者也没办法以令人反感的发音念出来。外国人很难说出“h”,所以他们把“Bhaarath”读成“Barat”。祝你能顺利向他们解释清楚。你是从哪里来的?好吧,布拉特。9. 除了遗产损失之外,为所有事物重新命名都将耗资巨大,甚至往往是不可能的。比如,把这个板块改名为“BharatSpeaks”,只能祝你好运了,因为在 Reddit 上改名是不可能的。更改所有新闻报纸的名称都会显得过时或奇怪,就像现在“印度教徒报”或“印度斯坦时报”给人的感觉一样。巴拉特航空?此外,还有许多标准无法轻易更改,如我们的互联网域名“.in ”或我们的货币“INR”以及许多 ISO 标准。
Funnily, Pakistan is currently needing a brand-rename as they have a universally hated legacy, and is going through a lot of crisis. It would be funny if they renamed themselves as "India" claiming the word came from Indus. Thus after a few years, they will get the legacy of India. This is not unthinkable. They already had re-issued a new map with new territory a few years ago. Their friendly country Turkey had changed its name. This is a golden opportunity.10. 有趣的是,巴基斯坦目前正需要重新为自己正名,因为他们有一个被世人憎恨的传统,并且正在经历一场危机。如果他们趁机把自己改名为“印度”,声称这个词来自印度河,那就好玩了。这样,几年后,他们就会得到印度的遗产。这并非不可想象。几年前,他们已经重新发行了新的地图,并标注了新的领土。他们的友好国家土耳其已经更改了国名。这是一个千载难逢的机会。
They never lost a war. What do you mean by the India vs India war of 1971? Oh you mean the war of South India vs North India that created East India? Terrorists from India attacked Indian city of Mumbai? Osama Bin Laden was found hiding in India? Kashmir king had handed the country over to India, what does Bharat have to do with it? This would be similar to how both Taiwan and China claims to be China and wants to be called China. We will also keep a secondary claim on India name if we do this, but the main name is what matters internationally.11. 他们从未输过一场战争。你说 1971 年印度对印度的战争?哦,你是指南印度对北印度的战争,那场战争创造了东印度?印度恐怖分子袭击了印度城市孟买?奥萨马-本-拉登被发现藏匿在印度?克什米尔领主把国家交给了印度,这与巴拉特有什么关系?这就好比台湾地区和中国大陆都声称自己是中国,并希望被称为中国。如果这样做,我们还将保留印度的二级名称,但在国际上,主要名称才是最重要的。
Many countries have multiple names like how we have "India that is Bharat" in our constitution. Check how many you recognize if all of them changed their name, and imagine how it affects their brand value. Nihon is Japan. Misr is Egypt. Deutschland is Germany Espana is Spain. Druk Gyal Khap is Bhutan Zhongguo is China. Hayastan is Armenia. Osterreich is Austria. Kypriaki Dimokratia is Cyprus. Abyssinia is Ethiopia. Matanitu Tugalala o Viti is Fiji . Suomen is Finland . Francaise is France. Sakartvelo is Georgia. Hellas is Greece. Lýðveldið Ísland is Iceland. Nusantara is Indonesia. Zion is Israel. Choson is North Korea. Elangai is SriLanka. Maghribiyyah is Morroco. Dae-han-min-guk is South Korea. Holland is Netherlands. Aotearoa is New Zeland. Noreg is Norway. Polska is Poland. Sverige is Sweden. Svizra is Switzerland. Schweiz is Also Switzerland. Siam is Thailand. Emirat al Arabbiya al Muttahida is UAE . Rhodesia is Zimbabwe. Hrvatska is Croatia.12. 许多国家都有多个国名,比如我们的宪法中就有“印度即巴拉特”。看看如果所有国家都改名,你能认出多少个,想象一下这会对其国家品牌价值产生怎样的影响。“Nihon”是日本。“Misr”是埃及。“Deutschland”是德国。“Espana”是西班牙。“Druk Gyal Khap”是不丹 “Zhongguo”是中国。“Hayastan”是亚美尼亚。“Osterreich”是奥地利。“Kypriaki Dimokratia” 是塞浦路斯。“Abyssinia”是埃塞俄比亚。“Matanitu Tugalala o Viti”是斐济。“Suomen”是芬兰。“Francaise”是法国。“Sakartvelo”是格鲁吉亚。“Hellas”是希腊。“Lýðveldið Ísland” 是冰岛。“Nusantara”是印度尼西亚。“Zion”是以色列。“Choson”是朝鲜。“Elangai”是斯里兰卡。“Maghribiyyah”是摩洛哥。“Dae-han-min-guk”是韩国。Holland是尼德兰。“Aotearoa ”是新西兰。“Noreg”是挪威。“Polska”是波兰。“Sverige”是瑞典。“Svizra”是瑞士。“Schweiz”也是瑞士。“Siam”是泰国。“Emirat al Arabbiya al Muttahida”是阿联酋。“Rhodesia”是津巴布韦。“Hrvatska”是克罗地亚。
You may have heard of a country called Republic of China . Do you recognize it? Its an island nation south of People''s Republic of China that used to rule all of China, but got overthrown by People''s Republic of China. Why do you think those who overthrew them chose that specific name? They could have chosen Zhongguo? This is because names give authority and legacy.I have read some comments that claim to support the name change because India name was given by others. But, then would you be also changing your own name as it was clearly not given by you? Go rename yourself today itself. The thing is, what others call is what easily sticks. You can fight it and change it, but that will be expending unnecessary energy or you can accept it and go with the flow. This is the peaceful calm way.13. 你可能听说过一个叫"中华民国"的GJ。你认识它吗?它是中华人民共和国南边的一个岛G,曾经统治过整个中国,但被中华人民共和国推翻了。你认为推翻他们的人为什么要选择这个名字?他们可以选择“中华民国”吗?这是因为名字具有权威性和传承性。14. 我看到一些评论声称支持改名,因为印度的名字是别人起的。但是,那么你是否也要改掉自己的名字,因为这个名字显然不是你起的呢?今天就自己去改名吧。问题是,别人怎么叫你,是你改变不了的。你可以与之抗争,强行要求改变它,但这样会耗费不必要的精力;你也可以接受它,顺其自然。这才是平和平静之道。
It is okay to have two names too. Many of us have a nickname called internally in the family in a loving way and also a formal name used by outsiders, right? Do you want to see our dharmic ancient name be used in unholy situations? Bharathiya porn? Street shitters of Bharat? NEWS- Today a Barathiya killed a girl brutally. Or let's keep a separation between our formal name and our internal name? Wouldn't this be better for our ancient memories and connections with the word Bharat than to spoil it like that? The thing is, we already refer internally by Bharatam name. This is how many countries have two names, one for internal purposes and one for external. So, why destroy ours by forcing outsiders to call us something else?15. 有两个名字也没关系。我们很多人都有一个在家庭内部亲切称呼的小名,也有一个外人使用的正式名字,不是吗?你想看到我们神圣的古老名字被用于不神圣的场合吗?巴拉特色情片?巴拉特的人在街头拉屎?新闻:今天,一个巴拉特人残忍地杀害了一个女孩。或者让我们把正式名称和内部名称分开?这样不是更有利于我们保持“巴拉特”一词的古老记忆和联系吗?问题是,我们已经在内部使用巴拉特这个名称了。许多国家都有两个名称,一个用于内部,一个用于外部。那么,为什么要强迫外人用别的名称来称呼我们,从而把自己搞得一团糟呢?
This will cause a lot of unproductive internal fights with a lot of people refusing it, and being strictly against this. Separatist movements will also happen, although they can be stopped with force, but the general happiness of the country goes down. There will also be fights for using Bharatham which is the Sanskrit word over the Hindi word Bharat. why create this unnecessary fight?And remember this is when we should be focusing our energies on growing our country, we are focused on something that does not bring any improvements to our lives, wasting countless manhours and money on this pointless endeavour. We are 16 years behind China. We need to catch up or else they are going to be the superpower dominating the world after the next 30 years. We are going through a crucial period. Maybe the last chance to utilize the population size to our advantage before the AIs take over most jobs. And what are we doing? Changing names? Causing Internal fights?16. 这将引发大量无益的内斗,很多人拒绝接受,并对此持严格的反对态度。分离主义运动也会发生,虽然可以用武力制止,但国家的整体幸福感会下降。还有人会因为使用梵语 “Bharatham”而不是印地语“Bharat”而争吵。17. 请记住,现在是我们应该集中精力发展国家的时候,而我们却把精力放在了对我们的生活没有任何改善的事情上,在这种毫无意义的努力上浪费了无数的人力和财力。我们比中国落后 16 年。我们必须迎头赶上,否则未来 30 年后,他们将成为主宰世界的超级大国。我们正在经历一个关键时期。也许在人工智能取代大部分工作之前,这是我们利用人口数量优势的最后机会。我们在做什么?改名换姓?引发内斗?