
国礼收藏时代名家 2024-05-26 21:20:39

李永清,1948--,江苏响水人,现为准安长江书院院长,中国楹联协会书法艺术研究会副秘书长,中国民族建设研究会书画艺术专业委员会副主席,中国老年书画研究会会员,准安市老年书画研究会副会长。 中国书法家协会顾问权希军评李永清书法: 李永清先生的书法,别具一格,独树一帜,风骨并存,在中国当代书法的大环境下能有字外功夫,实属难得。他的书法体静而雅,下笔有力,更有运气,如天外来客,超凡脱俗,既有性情又不失法度,线条纯净流畅,意趣高妙阔达,字如其人。从运笔、用墨、布局、章法来看,其作品的布局严谨而不呆板,灵动而不杂乱,犹如水落石出,涤净浮尘,秀色自现,风骨独标,承传统于字里行间,出新意与法度之外。真正做到当代书法的审美艺术性、观赏性的统一,已具有书家之气度也。

Li Yongqing, 1948 -- , Xiangshui Man, Jiangsu Province, is now the president of the Chang-jiang College in Zhunan, vice secretary-general of the calligraphy art research association of the Chinese Couplet Association, and vice chairman of the calligraphy and painting art professional committee of the China National Construction Research Association, he is a member of the Chinese society of painting and calligraphy for the aged and vice-president of the Zhunan Society of painting and calligraphy for the aged. A Chinese Calligrphers Association consultant, Kwon Hsi-jun, commented on Li Yongqing's calligraphy: “Mr. Li Yongqing's calligraphy is unique, Nothing in Common and strong-willed. It is rare for him to be able to work beyond words in the context of contemporary Chinese calligraphy.”. His calligraphy is quiet and elegant, the pen is strong, more luck, such as extraterrestrial visitors, extraordinary, both temperament and legal degree, pure and smooth lines, interest is brilliant broad, the word like the person. In terms of brush strokes, ink usage, layout and composition, the layout of his works is rigorous but not inflexible, flexible and not messy, as if the water had come to the surface, purging the floating dust, showing its own beauty, unique style, inheriting the tradition between the lines, outside of the creative and legal. Truly achieve the contemporary calligraphy of the aesthetic art, the unity of the ornamental, has a calligrapher's bearing is also.

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