
专筑网 2021-02-26 16:02:53

Piccolo House / Wood/Marsh由专筑网wwj,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。Piccolo公寓由Wood Marsh Architecture事务所设计,是Piccolo的新总部和基准开发项目。建筑师与开发人员之间合作关系建立在相互尊重和质量,大胆和细致的共同的理念之上。Piccolo公寓从众多的传统遗产中脱颖而出,是得益于结合实际的考虑。精确切割的玻璃被整齐地镶嵌在混凝土中,巧妙地倾斜着露出了彩色玻璃这一装饰元素,重新诠释了相邻巷道中砖砌的秋天色调。建筑将门楣作为力量的象征,为其提供结构框架,设计概念来源于石雕。Text description provided by the architects. Designed by Wood Marsh Architecture, Piccolo House is a new headquarters and benchmark development by Piccolo. The collaborative relationship established between architect and developer represents their mutual respect and shared philosophies - quality, boldness and refinement. Emerging from its heritage legacy below, Piccolo House is spurred by its contex-tual considerations. Sheathed in an ordered monolith of off-form concrete, preci-sion cut-outs are subtly angled to reveal coloured reflective glass elements that reinterpret the autumnal tones of the brickwork in the neighbouring laneway. Akin to a block of stone being carved into, the mass references the lintel as a symbol of strength providing the structural framework for the building.

作为一座多用途建筑,开发商将零售、接待、商业和豪华住宅楼作为一个统一的概念。它独特的地理位置让建筑在各个方面都得到了表达。位于Dorcas街的维多利亚式露台原址已被修复和重建,成为活跃的商业中心,与街道景观融为一体,并与社区相连,同时保留了区内的私人租户。查尔斯街(Charles Street)引用了Richard Giblett的绘画,并利用Corten钢的材质和各种深浅不一的钢材将其重新诠释为城市实物艺术。As one multi-use building, the development encompasses retail, hospitality, commercial, and luxury multi-residential into one unified concept. Its unique is-land site allows the architecture to be expressed on all sides. The original Victorian terrace building addressing Dorcas Street has been restored and reinstated as an active commerce centre contributing to the streetscape and connecting with the neighbourhood, whilst housing private tenancies within. The Charles Street laneway references Richard Giblett’s paintings on the con-temporary metropolis and reinterprets it into physical urban art using the materiality of Corten and various shades of steel.

到了晚上,用灯光装饰街道,使其变得明亮,这个想法与Dan Flavin的艺术理念相似。查尔斯街的照明也通过被动监测系统创造了安全感。建筑表面和室内空间相互联系,通过约翰街进入建筑物,镜面玻璃和黑色金属增强了归属感。大堂内部采用镜面玻璃倒影了秋季色彩缤纷的景象。By night this intervention becomes illuminated, drawing similar ideas to the artwork of Dan Flavin, by painting the street surface with light. The illumination of Charles Street also creates a sense of safety through passive surveillance. The architecture and interior experiences are inherently connected. Entry into the building occurs via John Street where mirrored glass and blackened metal elevate the sense of arrival. The Lobby interior mimics its colourful exterior with autumnal tones of mirrored glass.

进入建筑内部,上方是四层精心设计的一居室和两居室公寓,可以清楚地看到墨尔本的城市天际线。Piccolo顶层公寓办公室使用银色石灰华强调了建筑物的坚固性,以对石雕的总体概念做出适当的内部呼应。Above sits four levels of well-crafted one and two-bedroom apartments, offering clear views of Melbourne’s urban skyline. On the upper level, the Piccolo penthouse office reinforces the solidity of the building using silver travertine to make an appropriately elevated interior response to the overarching idea of stone being carved away. Imbued with the qualities of a high calibre residential project, the resulting palette is intentionally dark, timber, black, and bronzed metal.

建筑师毫不费力地将旧的与新的、外部的和内部的、商业的和住宅的融合在一起,设计出的建筑物直接体现了客户的品味,同时通过对设计质量的承诺达到投资长寿。Piccolo 公寓是开发商和业主集一体的化身,是他们自己的新家,也构成了一种成功的全新房屋租赁模式。Effortlessly merging heritage and new, exterior and interior, commercial and residential Wood Marsh have designed a building that is a direct statement of their client’s values. Investing in longevity through a commitment to quality design, Piccolo House stands as the embodiment of its developer and owner as a successful model of a progressive build-to-rent property and a new home for Piccolo’s own office.

建筑设计:Wood/Mars类型:混合用途建筑,住宅地区:4000 m2年份:2019年摄影:Trevor Mein制造商:AutoDesk, Bluescope, G-LUX, George Fethers, Supertuft, Tongue n Groove, Viridian, Artedomus, Mascoma Metal Design, McNeel客户:Piccolo Group结构:4D Workshop服务:ALA Consulting建筑测量:Reddo Building Surveyors景观:TCL landscape architects城市:南墨尔本国家:澳大利亚

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