
奈何天在云端 2024-08-28 13:18:16

哈代(Godfrey Harold Hardy,1877-1947)是英国剑桥的数学大师,是华罗庚的老师。最为重要的贡献,是他发掘了印度的年轻数学天才拉马努金(Ramanujan)。


哈代写了一本很小的算是自传类的书,题为《一个数学家的自白》(A Mathematician’s Apology)。在该书的开头哈代说了一段话很有名,常被引用。虽然他的英文是好的,但因为哲理湛深,不易懂,附录他的英语原文:

It is a melancholy experience for a professional mathematician to find himself writing about mathematics. The function of a mathematician is to do something, to prove new theorems, to add to mathematics, and not to talk about what he or other mathematicians have done. Statesmen despise publicists, painters despise art-critics, and physiologists, physicists, or mathematicians have usually similar feelings; there is no scorn more profound, or on the whole more justifiable, than that of the men who make for the men who explain. Exposition, criticism, appreciation, is work for second-rate minds.




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