
富甲北京 2024-09-03 15:44:52


The Positive Energy House is inspired by nature’s resilience and rejuvenation. Serving as a net-positive energy building, this dwelling not only diminishes its environmental impact but actively contributes to regeneration by producing surplus energy.


“如何面对未来的低碳生活,显然我们要有更新的一种生活方式,不仅仅是让我们方便、 舒适,我们还有一份责任,如何让人更健康地发展,我们是不能浪费的。” 在2021年的首届“ESG全球领导者峰会”上某企业家如是说。与环境共生,倡导低碳行为,满足适宜居住舒适度需求的零能耗宅(而不仅仅是取得零能耗标识认证和技术的堆叠),这是本项目改造的主要目标,标示了本次改造不仅仅是单个项目的设计,而是一种面对未来的节能改造模式探索。

▼东侧鸟瞰,east aerial view© 众建筑


Its design, a transformation of an existing property, showcases how older buildings can be revamped for peak efficiency without starting from scratch. Renovating existing properties aligns with environmental sustainability principles, contrasting with the resource-intensive process of demolition and reconstruction.

▼模块化改造分析图,modular renovation analysis drawing© 众建筑

▼整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view© 众建筑

三层表皮系统Three-layer Envelope System


▼单体改造策略分析图,unit renovation analysis drawing© 众建筑

Our renovation strategy involved adding two additional layers to the existing structure. To enhance energy efficiency, the building was enveloped with a well-sealed and insulated skin.

▼南侧鸟瞰,south aerial view© 张超

▼整体俯视,overall top view© 众建筑


▼三层表皮改造分析图,three-layer envelope system analysis

On the south side, this new layer created an interstitial atrium space outside the original building but within the insulated shell. Enclosed with a triple-glazed glass facade, the atrium incorporates operable windows and doors for passive ventilation during mild weather.

▼南侧立面,south front view

▼东南视角,southeast view


Within the original building an air vent was integrated with the existing elevator core, utilizing the chimney effect to draw air through the house while also serving as a light well to maximize natural illumination and reduce reliance on artificial lighting.

▼外挂结构分析图,added structure analysis

▼太阳能板遮阳系统立面,solar panel system side view© 张超

▼太阳能板遮阳系统立面局部,solar panel system detail© 张超

▼太阳能板遮阳系统概览,solar panel system overview© 张超


▼太阳能板遮阳系统俯视,solar panel system side top view

混合环境系统Mixed Environmental System


▼三层表皮通风模式分析,ventilation analysis of three-layer envelope system

During moderately severe weather, the atrium can be sealed and mechanically ventilated to cool the house efficiently, reserving the need for air conditioning for most extreme weather conditions. Additionally, the atrium features a climbing wall tailored for the home owner, an enthusiastic rock climber, spanning across and granting access to all four levels of the house.

▼剖透视图,perspective section


▼南侧露台,south terrace

▼南侧庭院,south courtyard© 张超

▼南侧阳台,south balcony


▼南侧室内,south interior

▼南侧间隙层,south layers

正向能源系统Positive Energy System


Extending beyond the new building skin is an outer layer comprised of solar roofs. These roofs harness the sun’s energy to power the house and are adorned with cadmium telluride photovoltaic panels.

▼改造前后遮阳分析图,sunshade analysis – before and after© 众建筑


Supported by lightweight prefabricated truss structures, these roofs offer significant shade for the house and outdoor terraces while maintaining unobstructed airflow and sightlines. The stacked layers of curvilinear roofs tiled in solar panels create a cohesive architectural form.

▼太阳能板遮阳系统立面,solar panel system© 张超

▼太阳能板遮阳系统仰视,solar panel system upward view



The concept of wrapping an existing house with two additional layers to reduce energy consumption and generate electricity serves an innovative strategy and a model for sustainable renovation.

▼黄昏光线,light during dusk

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,1F plan© 众建筑

▼二层平面图,2F plan

▼负一层平面图,B1F plan

▼负二层平面图,B2F plan



▼南侧墙身大样图,south wall detailed section© 众建筑

▼东侧墙身大样图,east wall detailed section

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