香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称 “港大”(HKU),是中国香港的一所综合性国际化公立研究型大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之称。
2024QS世界大学排名第26位;泰晤士2023年世界大学排名第31位;2023QS亚洲地区大学排名第4位;2022U.S. News世界大学排名第76位。
The Effect of Regional Anaesthesia and Analgesia Using Liposomal Bupivacaine
Area of Research
Postoperative pain; Regional nerve blocks; Liposomal Bupivacaine
Objective and Significance
Postoperative pain is an important clinical problem, and is inadequately controlled in more than half of the patients. Liposomal bupivacaine is a prolonged release local anaesthetic medication that could produce longer lasting postoperative analgesia and minimize rebound pain. The aim of this project is to evaluate its effect on postoperative pain and functional recovery when administered via regional nerve blocks.
Research Plan and Methodology
Double blind randomised controlled trial
Systematic review and meta-analysis
Compare the effect of liposomal bupivacaine versus conventional local anaesthetics in patients undergoing surgery.
Patients will be followed up after surgery for assessment of pain and functional outcomes in the immediate and longer term postoperative period
About the Supervisor:
Professor SSC Wong, Department of Anaesthesiology
Professor Wong Sau Ching Stanley- MBBS (HK), MD (HKU), FHKCA, FHKAM (Anaesthesiology), FANZCA, FHKCA (Pain Med)- is a specialist in Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine working as Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Anaesthesiology, HKU. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (HKCA) and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, and also a HKCA Fellow in Pain Medicine. His research focus is on pain medicine, including acute postoperative pain management, the effect of anaesthetic drugs and techniques on postoperative pain and pain signaling mechanism. He is currently the Interim Chairperson of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Deputy Director of the Laboratory and Clinical Research Institute for Pain, The University of Hong Kong.
Next Step?
For more information or to express interest for this project, please email the supervisor or the specified contact point in the project description. Interested candidates are advised to enclose with your email:
your CV,
a brief description of your research interest and experience, and
two reference letters (not required for HKUMed UG students seeking MRes[Med]/URIS projects).
Information on the research programme, funding support and admission documentations could be referenced online at the Research Postgraduate Admissions website. General admission enquiries should be directed to
HKUMed MBBS students interested in the Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) programme may visit the programme website for more information.
HKUMed UG students interested in the Undergraduate Research Internship Scheme (URIS) may visit the scheme’s website for more information.
港科技大学(广州)—西电广州研究院课题组联合招收博士 光电器件研究方
刘曦文,香港科技大学(广州)微电子学域助理教授。他在美国宾夕法尼亚大学电子与系统工程系获得博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括微纳电子器件,新型存储技术,存算一体系统,以及非传统计算体系的探索。目前他在国际重要期刊以及会议上撰写和合著了约 20 篇出版物,包括Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Cell Press Matter, Cell Press Device, Nature Electronics等。他在存算一体架构领域的研究工作得到了Bell Labs Prize 2022的认可,并获得2022年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。
刘先河,西安电子科技大学广州研究院教授,国家海外高层次青年人才,在加拿大McGill大学获得博士学位,在美国密歇根大学安娜堡完成博士后研究。研究方向包括GaN基材料外延生长、微纳光电器件以及器件模拟仿真,目前在Nature Nanotechnology、Photonics Research、Progress in Quantum Electronics、Applied Physics Letters和Optics Express 等高水平期刊发表40余篇学术论文,被诺贝尔奖获得者和国内外院士引用和积极评价,多次在国际学术会议获墙报奖和论文奖,研究成果被半导体工业界杂志Semiconductor Today及Compound Semiconductor数次报道。
英语语言要求:母语为非英语,或未获得英语教学语言学位的申请人,必须满足以下要求之一:托福iBT一次尝试总分80分或以上;托福pBT550分或以上;新版托福revised TOEFL® Paper-delivered Test 60分或以上;雅思(IELTS)6.5分或以上(各项小分不低于5.5)。