
专筑网 2021-02-24 15:07:51

Cana Guesthouse / Carl Gerges Architects由专筑网邢子,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述:Cana洞穴住宅坐落在黎巴嫩Bhamdoun的千年历史岩层上,这里存放着腓尼基人的墓穴,经历了千年的侵蚀,灰色和黄色的石灰岩马赛克覆盖了整个山体。坚实的挡土墙与天然的岩石搭配,构造出古色古香奇特而久远的立面。Text description provided by the architects. At the helm of thousand year old rock formations, housing Phoenician tombs, lies Cana Guesthouse in Bhamdoun, Lebanon. Withstanding erosion throughout the millennia, a mosaic of grey and yellow limestone encompass the entire space. This solid retaining wall partnered only with natural rock boulders, summons an archaically curious and remote façade.

进入这个干燥的空间,充足的阳光涌来,接下来你会意外地发现这是一个温暖的可住宿的洞穴,包含客厅和厨房。泥土色的墙壁边上是旋转的玻璃板,玻璃板滑开后可以看到相邻的岩石,瞬间将室内和室外融为一体。Upon entering this arid stone monolith, ample sunlight rushes to welcome an unexpected discovery of a warm lodgeable cavern, sheltering a living room and kitchen. Earth colored walls border pivoting glass panels, which slide open to the adjacent rocks, instantly merging the indoor with the outdoor.

在客厅里,简陋的壁炉在混凝土天花板和旧木梁下占据着中心位置。从豹纹座椅到摩洛哥地毯,层层叠叠的东方花纹织物让家具呈现出一种原始的质感,朴素的自然风格和便利的功能尺寸,厨房在厚厚的桉木板周围,似乎在邀请人们举行温暖而亲密的聚会。In the living room, a humble fireplace claims center stage beneath the cast in place concrete ceiling and old reclaimed timber beams. The furniture conducts a primal instinct with its layered assortment of oriental patterned fabrics from leopard print seats to Moroccan rugs. With a rustic nature and a conveniently functional size, the kitchen invites warm and intimate gatherings around the thick slab of eucalyptus wood.

沿着玻璃幕墙走到相邻的卧室和浴室,迎面而来的是阳光明媚、绿意盎然的空间。纯净的石板与壁龛和郁郁葱葱的植物相映成趣,月桂绿色的墙面与之相拥,营造出沐浴在户外的感官体验。Wandering along the glazed façade over to the neighboring bedroom and bathroom, one is greeted with a sunny and generously green space. Pure slabs accented with niches and lush plants are embraced by laurel green tadelakt walls, orchestrating a sensual experience of bathing in the outdoors.

建筑铺设了一条诱人的地下隧道,通向了比例合理的酒窖。这个酒红色的穹顶立方体是在岩石下开凿出来的,圆形的天窗营造出一种原始的、令人神往的氛围。原始的寂静与庄严的灯光,与散发着烤面包、燕麦和麝香气味的清凉湿润的空气相得益彰。The guesthouse paves a luring subterranean tunnel which leads to a purely proportioned wine cellar. Carved from beneath the rocks, this burgundy vaulted cube is lit by a circular skylight, and hosts an elemental and synesthetic ambiance. A primitive silence with solemn lighting, pairs intuitively well with the cool and moist air which smells of toast, oats and musk.

隐蔽的圆形火坑坐落在巨大的岩层脚下,火焰在这些巨大的岩石和远山的映衬下,戏剧性地舞动,这里可以举办迷人的夜晚聚会和仪式,月光都会为在浩瀚的星空下举行的庆祝活动让路。A secluded circular fire pit sits at the foot of the massive rocky formation. Flames dramatically dance against these colossal rocks and distant mountains, hosting enchanting evenings and ceremonies. This pleasantly somber and lunar refuge makes way for spiritually stimulating celebrations under a vast starry sky.

80英亩的肥沃葡萄园环绕着建筑,打破了干涸的石头风貌。在岩石的风土上,葡萄树生长的根系很深,从地表下收集养分和水分,使葡萄酒的香气更加浓郁,这片耕耘而芳香的果园让人联想到宁静的乡间小憩,这座拥有气势和温暖的居住空间让身体和精神都能得到放松,唤起了来自遥远时空的思考和恒星的低语。A fertile 80 acres vineyard surrounds the guesthouse, breaking from the dry stone spirit. With a rocky terroir, vines grow deep roots that gather nutrients and water from beneath the earth’s surface, allowing the wine to result in a denser bouquet. This cultivated and aromatic orchard reminds of a tranquil countryside escape. An incredibly imposing and warmly inhabitable stone monolith, this sanctuary fosters a physical and mental retreat, evoking introspective and stellar whispers from a distant time and place.

建筑设计:Carl Gerges Architects类型:酒店/住宿建筑面积:250 m2项目时间:2020年摄影: Carl Gerges Architects制造商:AutoDesk, OLIVARI, Adobe, CJCJ, Corona, Sodamco主创建筑师:Carl Gerges Architects景观:Carl Gerges Architects城市:Bhamdoun国家:黎巴嫩

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