In this interpersonal society, no one cannot leave their network. The true network of relationships lies not in quantity, but in quality. In middle age, sometimes it is useful to make good friends and social connections.
Lincoln once said: The most beautiful thing in life is his friendship with others.
On the journey of life, the older a person gets, the heavier their burden becomes, which is an intangible pressure. When people reach middle age, not only will their energy decline, but even their speed of earning money will slow down.
So, establishing good social connections is also a way to make money. When people reach middle age, they should learn to cooperate for mutual benefit. After all, many people have great power. Good social connections lead to broad connections and greater opportunities.
In dealing with people, one should know how to make concessions, put more effort into interpersonal relationships, and put in more effort.
In this era, win-win is the most reliable relationship. Good interpersonal relationships can make the road to success smoother. If a person manages social connections well, they can accumulate more wealth.