
香课程 2024-03-06 00:28:18


bury the hatchet


该习语中的bury表示“埋葬”,hatchet是指“短柄小斧”,其字面意思是“把斧头埋起来”,主要用来喻指“to settle your differences with an adversary”,即“解决与对手的分歧”,相当于汉语里的“言归于好;化干戈为玉帛;达成和解;休战;冰释前嫌”。


The two brothers hadn't spoken for years, but they decided to bury the hatchet when their father became ill.


Can't you two bury the hatchet and get back to a normal working relationship!


The brothers'decision to bury the hatchet comes two weeks after India's Supreme Court ruled in Mukesh's favor in a dispute over gas pricing.


I suggest you find a way to bury the hatchet with Michael Scofield's woman.



该习语的书面使用记录可追溯到十七世纪时期,但埋斧头的传统却源于更早时期的美洲印第安人的传统,当部落首领达成和平协议时,他们会把斧头埋进地里。比如,在Thwaites的里程碑译作《耶稣会报导》(Jesuit Relations,1644年)中,有这样的记录:

"Proclaim that they wish to unite all the nations of the earth and to hurl the hatchet so far into the depths of the earth that it shall never again be seen in the future."

该习语的较早书面使用记录出现在Cadwallader Golden, Esq.的作品《The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada》(1747)中:

"My Opinion is, that the Brethren should fend Messengers to the Utawawas, Twibtwies, and the farther Indians, and to send back likewise some of the Prisoners of these Nations, if you have any left to bury the Hatchet, and to make a Covenant-chain, that they may put away all the French that are among them."


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