
专筑网 2021-03-01 15:32:44

Future Waiting Hall / Various Associates由专筑网wwj,小R编译来自建筑事务所的描述。被誉为中国“硅谷”的上海浦东张江高科技园区,整合了生物医药、集成电路、航空航天等一系列关键前沿产业,并传递着关于自然和社会的知识。ATLATL创新集群位于高新园区内,是生命科学领域的研发平台。“ Atlatl”是纳瓦特尔语,意为“长矛投掷者”,这来自古代猎人的发明,依次希望最大程度地提高他们的狩猎能力,而这个词在这里则暗指人类创新的古老痕迹。Text description provided by the architects. Known as China's "Silicon Valley", Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Pudong, Shanghai integrates a wide spectrum of key cutting-edge industries such as biomedicine, integrated circuit and aerospace, and delivers knowledge about nature and society. Situated within the high-tech park, ATLATL Innovation Cluster is a R&D platform for life sciences. "Atlatl" is a Nahuatl word that means "spear thrower", which was invented by ancient hunters to maximize their hunting abilities. The word here implies the ancient traces of human innovation.

万社设计协会受邀将高科技园区内的废弃空间改造成ATLATL的辅助设施。该空间占地近520平方米,引入了美味的咖啡、食物、葡萄酒以及创造力于创新力的碰撞,旨在为高级研究人员提供私密而艺术的“人体能量站”。Various Associates was entrusted to transform a disused space within the high-tech park into an ancillary facility for ATLATL. Occupying nearly 520 square meters, the space needs to bring in tasty coffee, food, wine and the collision with creativity and innovation, and aims to provide an intimate and artistic "body energy station" to high-level researchers.359/5000

考虑到项目服务的用户和行业的特殊性,客户要求一个具有未来感的空间氛围。关于时间的概念是该项目的关键:未来是什么?过去是什么?不同时期对“未来主义”有着不同的理解。在现代,人类对未来的想象总是与宇宙、天体、时间的痕迹等概念联系在一起。与过去和现在相比,“未来”是一个永远出现的时间概念,我们对科技和未来的想象总是由一系列场景组成的。在项目的设计过程中,建筑师运用了现代人对未来的想象中常见的元素,例如圆形、曲线、穹顶天花板和轨迹,在空间中创造出更直观的具有“未来主义”的场景和氛围。Considering special features of users and industries that the project serves, the client requested a futuristic spatial atmosphere. The definition of the notion about time is the key of the project: What's future? What's past? There are different understandings on "futuristic" at different times. In modern era, mankind's imagination of future has always been connected to mega images, such as universe, celestial bodies, and the trace of time. Comparing with past and present, "future" is a concept of time that will never come. Our imagination of technology and future in all aspects is composed of a series of scenes. As approaching the project, Various Associates utilized elements that are often associated with modern people's imagination of future, including circles, curves, dome ceiling and traces, to create more intuitive "futuristic" scenes and ambience in the space.

这个项目的故事情节是“等候大厅”。设计团队以“时间”的概念去衡量未来,日复一日地传递着等待未来的讯息。日常生活中,我们在等待日出、日落,在日常进行工作、吃饭、聚会等活动的同时,也在等待“未来”。建筑师试图从“总结过去”入手,以此来达成未来主义的空间设计。设计并没有采用单向的时间线,而是以“现在”为原点,在两个方向上延伸,将过去的辉煌与对未来的憧憬联系起来,创造出跨越时间的“复古未来”场景。The storyline of the project is "Waiting Hall". The design team took the notion of "time" to measure future, and convey the message of waiting for future from day to day. In everyday life, we wait for sunrise, sunset and routine activities such as work, dining and gathering, while waiting for "future" as well. Various Associates tried to start from "summarizing the past", and then deduced a futuristic spatial design experiment. As opposed to adopting a one-direction timeline, the design took "present" as the origin, which extends in two directions and connect past glories with the vision of future, thereby creating "retro-futuristic" scenes which cross time.

圆形、曲线、球体等几何语言被应用于内部、外部结构以及家具,与行星的轨道相呼应。为重现人类最初想象的宇宙观,建筑师创造了一个充满舒适和未来主义氛围的流线型空间。设计和时尚就像是一个无止境的循环。项目设计的灵感来源于20世纪的美学成就和科技爆炸。建筑师从更广阔的角度重新解读“未来主义”,从而进行基于逻辑而非纯粹的幻想的空间设计实验。Geometric languages such as circle, curve and sphere are applied to interior structures, surfaces and furniture, echoing orbits of planets. By recreating mankind's initial imagined view of the universe, Various Associates produced a streamlined space filled with a comfortable and futuristic ambience. Design and fashion are an endless cycle. The project design drew inspiration from aesthetic achievements and technology explosion in the 20th century. Various Associates reinterpreted "futuristic" from a broader perspective, so as to conduct a spatial design experiment based on logic rather than sheer speculations.

空间以灰绿色为主调,混合了自然的“绿色”色彩和未来主义的“灰色”色彩。不同色调的表面、可延展的材料、电影般的质感和各种几何构成组成了一个触觉空间。The space is dominated by a greyish green tone, which is a mixture of natural "green" hue and futuristic "grey" colour. Surfaces of different shades, malleable materials, film-like expressions and geometric compositions result in a tactile space.

中庭 “漂浮”的圆环贯穿上下两个部分。从中庭到水吧、餐厅区、酒吧区以及半开放式和私密性的区域,都根据不同的功能和私密性程度进行空间布局。整个空间流通顺畅,可容纳200人就餐、休闲、社交。建筑师将“等候大厅”和“倒计时”的概念融入到空间场景中,为其丰富了故事性,并创造了空间节奏。The ring "floating" in the atrium runs through the lower and upper areas. From the atrium to water bar, restaurant area, bar area as well as semi-open and private sections, the space is laid out based on different functions and degrees of privacy. With a smooth circulation, the entire space is able to accommodate 200 people for dining, relaxing and socializing. Various Associates incorporated the ideas of "waiting hall" and "countdown" into spatial scenes that rewind time, while also bringing in stories and creating spatial rhythms.

复古风格一直很流行。建筑师运用的优雅而又简约的设计风格,延续了20世纪留给世界的深刻印象。绿色、蓝色、黄色等经典色调上覆盖着一层“灰色阴影”,象征着未知,产生柔和的视觉效果。流线型功能体块采用树脂、玻璃面板、镜面抛光钢等新材料。定制的座椅拥有柔软的皮革内饰,符合人体工程学,可为顾客提供舒适的体验。对于现在的我们来说,未来暂时还不会到来,所以它只存在于我们的想象中。然而,经受住时间考验的经典作品往往暗示着未来的某种可预测的轨迹。这个空间就像一个“时间门”,通向未来的同时,又将人们带回“相对的过去”。将空间实验转化为永恒和发人深省的东西是建筑师一直在努力的方向。Retro style has always been prevailing. Various Associates utilized everlasting elegant and simplistic design languages to continue the deep impression that the 20th century left on the world. Classical hues such as green, blue and yellow are covered with a layer of "grey shade", which symbolizes the unknown and generates softer visual effects. Resin, glass panels, mirror-polished steel and other new materials are applied to streamlined functional blocks. Featuring ergonomic forms and soft leather upholstery, the customized chair and seat combinations offer comfortable experiences. Comparing with present, future will never come, so it only exits in our imagination. However,ics which have stood the test of time imply a certain predictable trajectory of future. The space is like a "time door", which leads to the future whilst in fact bringing people back to the "relative past". Converting spatial experiment into something that's everlasting and thought-provoking is what Various Associates has been trying to do.

建筑设计:万社设计类型:餐厅和酒吧内饰时间:2020年拍摄:Feng Shao制造商:Bespoke, 芬尼特项目负责人:Qianyi Lin, Dongzi Yang设计团队:Dongzi Yang, Shiqi Li, Olga Zhuromskaia, Zhichao Lin客户:ATLATL城市:上海国家:中国

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