
天翰英语 2024-08-09 12:29:26



英 / ˈkəʊmə / 美/ ˈkoʊmə /

【考法 1】n.昏迷,深度无知觉: a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison

【例】The girl lay in a coma for three days after the accident那个女孩在事故之后己经昏迷了三天了。

【近】insensibility, blackout, knockout

【反】consciousness, awareness 有知觉

【考法 2】n.迟钝,冷漠: a state of mental or physical sluggishness : torpor

【近】sluggish, torpor

【反】activity, animation 有活力;alacrity 敏捷



英 / daɪˈæfənəs / 美/ daɪˈæfənəs /

【考法1】adj.模糊的,非实在的: vague or insubstantial

【例】only a diaphanous hope of success 只有一丝成功的希望

【近】v.ague, obscure, unexplicit, insubstantial, immaterial

【反】substantial 实在的;clear, distinct清晰的

【考法 2】adj.(质地精致得)几乎透明的: of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent

【例】The bride wore a diaphanous veil 新娘戴着透明的面纱。

【近】transparent, translucent, transpicuous, gossamer

【反】opaque, impermeable of light 不透明的,不透光的



英/ ˈræŋkə(r) / 美/ ˈræŋkər /

【考法 1】n.敌意,深仇: a bitter deep-seated ill will

【例】A good man terminates a friendship without rancor. 君子绝交不记仇。

【近】animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice

【反】amity, harmony, goodwill, rapport, rapprochement 和睦,友好;friendship 友谊



英 / ˈspektrəm / 美 / ˈspektrəm /

【考法 1】n.范围,系列: a broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities

【例】the whole spectrum of 20th-century thought 20 世纪所有不同的思潮 A political spectrum is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing independent political dimensions.所谓的政治光谱是一种将不同的政治立场可视化的模型,它通过一根或者多根几何坐标轴来 定位不同的政治态度。

【近】diapason, gamut, scale, spread, stretch



英 / ˈθredbeə(r) / 美 / ˈθredber /

【考法 1 】adj.陈腐的: overused to the point of being worn out; hackneved

【例】a novel filled with nothing but threadbare cliches 一部满是陈词滥调的小说

【近】banal, cliche, commonplace, hackney, shopworn, trite

【考法 2】adj.贫穷的: lacking money or material possessions

【例】n.ever knew that she had so many threadbare relatives until she won the lottery 赢了彩票之后才知道她有这么多穷亲戚

【近】beggared, destitute, down-and-out, famished, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needful, pauperized, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, skint

【反】affluent, deep-pocketed, flush, opulent, silk-stocking, wealthy, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do 富裕的

【考法 3】adj.破烂的: worn or torn into or as if into rags

【例】I loved that threadbare shirt, but after 10 years of wear, it was time to throw it away. 我很喜欢那件旧旧的衬衣,但是己经穿了 10年了,是该扔了。

【近】frayed, raggedy, ratty, seedy, shabby, tattered, worn-out

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